# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Id$ EAPI=5 inherit eutils DESCRIPTION="Documentation files for the staden package" HOMEPAGE="http://sourceforge.net/projects/staden" SRC_URI="http://sourceforge.net/projects/staden/files/staden/${PV/_beta/b}/staden_doc-${PV/_beta/b}-src.tar.gz" # https://sourceforge.net/p/staden/code/HEAD/tree/staden/trunk/doc/ LICENSE="staden" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="" IUSE="" DEPEND="dev-lang/perl app-text/texlive app-text/texi2html" RDEPEND="${DEPEND}" S="${WORKDIR}"/staden_doc-${PV/_beta/b}-src # do not use texi2html-5 because it fails with: # texi2html -menu -verbose -split_chapter -index_chars interface.htmlinfo # Unknown option: index_char # src_prepare(){ # # avoid running bundled texi2html code # sed -e "s#./tools/texi2html#texi2html#" -i manual/Makefile || die # } src_compile(){ cd manual || die make -j 1 spotless || die cd .. || die emake -j 1 unix PAPER=A4 } src_install(){ emake -j 1 install prefix="${D}"/usr dodoc gkb547_gml.pdf }