# ChangeLog for sci-biology/transdecoder # Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: $ 10 Jan 2015; Martin Mokrejs transdecoder-20140704.ebuild: install *.pm into PERL5LIB/TransDecoder and pass that via env.d 09 Jan 2015; Martin Mokrejs +files/TransDecoder.patch, +files/pfam_runner.pl.patch, transdecoder-20140704.ebuild: sci-biology/transdecoder: added patches so that we use PATH to loclate binaries and not in a local subdirectory named 'util', drop sys- cluster/openmpi requirement, it does not link against it all all, this is a bunch of perl and shell scripts *transdecoder-20140704 (08 Jan 2015) 08 Jan 2015; Martin Mokrejs +metadata.xml, +transdecoder-20140704.ebuild: sci-biology/transdecoder: new package