# ChangeLog for sci-chemistry/chooch # Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: $ 22 Feb 2013; Justin Lecher chooch-5.0.2-r1.ebuild, metadata.xml: Bump to EAPI=5; add missing deps; drop additional virtual which aren't needed; move to autotools-utils *chooch-5.0.2-r1 (13 May 2009) 13 May 2009; Justin Lecher (jlec) +files/5.0.2-Makefile.am.patch, -chooch-5.0.2.ebuild, +files/5.0.2-aclocal.patch, +chooch-5.0.2-r1.ebuild: fixed autotools based buildsystem 12 May 2009; Justin Lecher (jlec) ChangeLog: moved from sci-libs/chooch to sci-chemistry/chooch 12 May 2009; Justin Lecher (jlec) +files/5.0.2-Makefile.patch, chooch-5.0.2.ebuild: finish an working version autotools based installation is broken 01 Mar 2009; Justin Lecher (jlec) chooch-5.0.2.ebuild: Initial checkin