# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ EAPI=5 inherit cmake-utils git-r3 GTEST_PV="1.7.0" DESCRIPTION="A general purpose GPU library." HOMEPAGE="http://www.arrayfire.com/" EGIT_REPO_URI="https://github.com/arrayfire/arrayfire.git git://github.com/arrayfire/arrayfire.git" SRC_URI="test? ( https://googletest.googlecode.com/files/gtest-${GTEST_PV}.zip )" KEYWORDS="" if [[ ${PV} == "0.9999" ]] ; then # the remote HEAD points to devel, but we want to pull the master instead EGIT_BRANCH="master" fi LICENSE="BSD" SLOT="0" IUSE="+examples +cpu cuda test" RDEPEND=" >=sys-devel/gcc-4.7.3-r1 virtual/blas virtual/cblas cuda? ( >=dev-util/nvidia-cuda-toolkit-6.0 ) sci-libs/fftw:3.0" DEPEND="${RDEPEND}" BUILD_DIR="${S}/build" CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}"/FindCBLAS.patch "${FILESDIR}"/CMakeLists_examples.patch "${FILESDIR}"/build_gtest.patch ) # We need write acccess /dev/nvidiactl, /dev/nvidia0 and /dev/nvidia-uvm and the portage # user is (usually) not in the video group RESTRICT="userpriv" pkg_pretend() { if [[ ${MERGE_TYPE} != binary ]]; then if [[ $(gcc-major-version) -lt 4 ]] || ( [[ $(gcc-major-version) -eq 4 && $(gcc-minor-version) -lt 7 ]] ) ; then die "Compilation with gcc older than 4.7 is not supported." fi fi } src_unpack() { git-r3_src_unpack if use test; then mkdir -p "${BUILD_DIR}"/third_party/src/ || die cd "${BUILD_DIR}"/third_party/src/ || die unpack ${A} mv "${BUILD_DIR}"/third_party/src/gtest-"${GTEST_PV}" "${BUILD_DIR}"/third_party/src/googletest || die fi } src_configure() { if use cuda; then addwrite /dev/nvidiactl addwrite /dev/nvidia0 addwrite /dev/nvidia-uvm fi local mycmakeargs=( $(cmake-utils_use_build cpu CPU) $(cmake-utils_use_build cuda CUDA) -DBUILD_OPENCL=OFF $(cmake-utils_use_build examples EXAMPLES) $(cmake-utils_use_build test TEST) ) cmake-utils_src_configure } src_install() { cmake-utils_src_install dobin "${BUILD_DIR}/bin2cpp" }