# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: $ 6 July 2008; Daniel Tourde Updated to a new gcc-4.3 patch provided by Bert K. 29 May 2008; Daniel Tourde +salome-kernel-3.2.6-gcc-4.3.patch Added support to gcc-4.3. Patch provided by Bert Karwatzki 20 May 2008; Daniel Tourde Initial import. +salome-kernel-3.2.6.ebuild, +salome-kernel-3.2.6_omniorg.patch, +salome-kernel-gcc4.patch, +salome-kernel-3.2.6-Batch_Couple.patch, +salome-kernel-3.2.6_openpbs.patch, +salome-kernel.png, +salome-kernel-3.2.6-mpich2.patch, +salome-kernel-3.2.6-pyobject.patch A major thank to Francois Dorin , Jon Hood , Dewald Pietersen , and Richard Westwell for their respective contributions and feedback. Without you guys, the Salome ebuilds would not exist today. Thanks! See bug #155974 for more info