# ChangeLog for sci-physics/abinit # Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: $ 20 Jan 2011; Honza Macháček abinit-6.4.2.ebuild: The typo of getFC corrected to . By Jérôme Borme 19 Jan 2011; Honza Macháček -abinit-6.2.2.ebuild, abinit-6.4.2.ebuild: The conditional use of several configure options tweaked to actually work even if a USE flag is unset. Reported by Jérôme Borme *abinit-6.4.2 (17 Jan 2011) *abinit-6.2.2 (17 Jan 2011) 17 Jan 2011; Honza Macháček +files/6.0.3-fftw.patch, +files/6.0.3-libxc-flags.patch, +files/6.2.2-change-default-directories.patch, +files/6.2.2-configure-fortran-calls.patch, +files/6.2.2-long-message.patch, +files/6.2.2-non-plugin-libs.patch, +files/6.4.2-openmp.patch, +abinit-6.2.2.ebuild, +abinit-6.4.2.ebuild: An ebuild for abinit-6.4.2 using external dependencies as proper Gentoo packages. Based on bug 249493, still work in progress. With USE="smp" compiles, but crashes.