# ChangeLog for sys-cluster/blcr # Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: $ 26 Jan 2010; Tim Cera -blcr-0.6.5.ebuild: Removed old ebuild. Updated copyright years. *blcr-0.8.2 (15 Oct 2009) 15 Oct 2009; Tim Cera +blcr-0.8.2.ebuild: Version bump to blcr-0.8.2. The vmadump is no longer used and seems better behaved in terms of the sandbox so removed the warning. 07 Jul 2008; Tim Cera blcr-0.6.5.ebuild, +metadata.xml: Minor repoman edits. 27 Mar 2008; Justin Bronder ChangeLog: Initial import of blcr. Thanks to kuffs (Aaron Tygart) for the ebuild.