# ChangeLog for sys-cluster/scalasca # Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: $ 13 Aug 2009; Christoph Junghans scalasca-1.2.ebuild: DOCDIR fix *scalasca-1.2 (13 Aug 2009) 13 Aug 2009; Christoph Junghans -scalasca-1.1.ebuild, -files/scalasca-1.1-installdirs.patch, +scalasca-1.2.ebuild: version bump to 1.2 18 May 2009; Christoph Junghans ChangeLog: added wxwindows USE flags, fixed C{XX}FLAGS 17 May 2009; Christoph Junghans ChangeLog: Fixed a bug, when calling "scalasca -h" 16 May 2009; Christoph Junghans ChangeLog: Initial commit. Ebuild written by me. Fixes bug #268165