#!/usr/bin/perl # $Id$ use strict; use warnings; use Scire::Job; use Scire::Communicator; use Getopt::Long; use Data::Dumper; use File::Path; use Sys::Hostname; use POSIX qw/WEXITSTATUS setuid/; my $ETC_DIR = "/etc/scire"; my $SCIRE_CONFIG_FILE = "${ETC_DIR}/scire.conf"; my %conf; my $comm; run_main(); sub run_main { parse_command_line(); my $conf_file = (defined($conf{config})) ? $conf{config} : $SCIRE_CONFIG_FILE; read_config_file($conf_file); check_job_dir(); my $exitcode = talk_to_server(); } sub talk_to_server { # This functions forks a new process just for the purpose of dropping privileges. my $pid = fork(); if($pid) { debug("Waiting for PID ${pid} to finish"); waitpid($pid, 0); my $exitcode = WEXITSTATUS($?); debug("PID ${pid} has finished with status ${exitcode}"); return $exitcode; } else { # We'll need to add a call to setuid() here at some point #ok folks so here's how this thang goes down. #1. Connect. $comm = Scire::Communicator->new( host => $conf{host}, user => $conf{user}, port => $conf{port} ); $comm->create_connection(); #2. Register with the DB. (only it knows if you're allowed to be active) # If we do not have a defined key file, we assume this is the first run of this client # so we register them instead of trying to identify. if(defined($conf{key_file}) and (-f $conf{key_file})) { if(!identify_client()) { exit(1); } } else { register_client(); exit(0); } #3. Scan the jobs directory. If there are done/failed jobs, report them. Note jobs in running or queue. my @existing_jobs = scan_jobs_dir(); #4. Fetch the jobs list get_jobs(); #5. ??? #6. Profit! $comm->close_connection(); exit(0); } } sub parse_command_line { GetOptions( 'debug|d' => \$conf{debug}, 'daemon|D' => \$conf{daemon}, 'dry-run' => \$conf{dry_run}, 'help|h' => \$conf{help}, 'config|c=s' => \$conf{config}, 'threads|t=i' => \$conf{max_threads}, #config overrides. 'host=s' => \$conf{host}, 'port=i' => \$conf{port}, 'user|u=s' => \$conf{user}, 'server_script=s' => \$conf{server_script}, 'job_dir' => \$conf{job_dir}, ); if ($conf{help}) { print "\nusage: scireclient.pl [--debug or -d]\n\t [--dry-run]" ."\t [--config=CONF or -c] \n\t [--threads=# or -t] \t [--help or -h] \n" ."\t [[--host=HOST] \t [--port=PORT] \t [--user=USER or -u] \n\t" ." [--server_script=foo.pl] \t [--job_dir=/tmp/jobs] \n"; exit 0; } } sub check_job_dir { my @checkdirs = ($conf{job_dir}, "$conf{job_dir}/queue", "$conf{job_dir}/done", "$conf{job_dir}/failed"); for my $dir (@checkdirs) { if (! -d $dir) { print "WARNING! ${dir} does not exist...creating\n"; mkpath( $dir, {verbose => 1, mode => 0660}) or die("Couldn't make ${dir} w/ perms 0660: $!"); } } } sub read_config_file { my $conf_file = shift; my %config_defaults = ( "key_file" => "${ETC_DIR}/client_key", "debug" => 0, ); open(FH, "< ${conf_file}") or die("Couldn't open the config file ${conf_file}: $!"); while () { chomp; next if /^\s*(?:#|$)/; if(/^\s*(.+?)\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*(?:#.*)?$/) { unless(defined($conf{lc($1)})) { #Don't overwrite anything specified in cmdline $conf{lc($1)} = $2; } } } close(FH) or die("Couldn't close the config file ${conf_file}: $!"); for(keys %config_defaults) { if(!defined $conf{$_}) { $conf{$_} = $config_defaults{$_}; } } } sub register_client { # my $mac = "00:11:22:33:44:55"; # my $ip = ""; my ($mac, $ip) = get_interface_info(defined $conf{interface} && $conf{interface} ? $conf{interface} : "eth0"); my $hostname = hostname(); my ($status, $message) = $comm->send_command("REGISTER", $mac, $ip, $hostname); die "Could not register client $mac w/ ip $ip and hostname $hostname. Got: $message" if (! defined $status or $status ne "OK"); debug("Client registered. Status is pending. digest is $message"); open(FILE, ">$conf{key_file}") or die("Couldn't open key file $conf{key_file} for writing: $!"); print FILE "$message\n"; close(FILE); } sub identify_client { open(FILE, $conf{key_file}) or die("Couldn't open client_key $conf{key_file}: $!"); my $digest = ; chomp $digest; close(FILE); my ($status, $message) = $comm->send_command("IDENTIFY", $digest); unless (defined $status && $status eq "OK") { print "ERROR Could not identify to server: $message\n"; return 0; } debug("Client identified"); return 1; } sub get_jobs { my ($status, $jobs) = $comm->send_command("GET_JOBS"); unless (defined $status && $status eq "OK") { print "Could not get jobs list from server: $status\n"; return 0; } if (defined($jobs) && $jobs) { $jobs =~ s/\s//g; #Remove all whitespace my @jobs_list = split(/,/, $jobs); foreach my $job (@jobs_list) { my ($status, $filename) = $comm->send_command("GET_JOB", $job); #SCP the file to $conf{job_dir}/queue/ system("cp $filename $conf{job_dir}/queue/") and die("Can't copy file: $!"); #Temporary hack. only works locally. # XXX: Modify this to fetch a file instead debug("Fetched job $job "); my ($status2,$message) = $comm->send_command("JOB_FETCHED", $job); unless (defined $status2 && $status2 eq "OK") { die("ERROR Could not signal job was fetched: $message\n"); } } #This function doesn't actually need to do anything with the list of jobs, the executor handles that part. } } sub scan_jobs_dir { #Scan the dirs for job files. my @existing_jobs = glob("$conf{job_dir}/queue/*"); my @failed_jobs = glob("$conf{job_dir}/failed/*"); my @done_jobs = glob("$conf{job_dir}/done/*"); #Report on those jobs needing reporting. foreach my $job_file (@failed_jobs) { $job_file =~ /(\d+)\.job/; my $jobid = $1; my ($status, $message) = $comm->send_command("SET_JOB_STATUS $jobid 'Failed'"); open(FILE, $job_file) or die "Couldn't open job file $job_file: $!"; my $job_data = join("", ); close(FILE); } #may be able to use same code as above. foreach my $job_file (@done_jobs) { $job_file =~ /(\d+)\.job/; my $jobid = $1; my ($status, $message) = $comm->send_command("SET_JOB_STATUS $jobid 'Done'"); } return @existing_jobs; } sub debug { my $msg = shift; if($conf{debug}) { print STDERR $msg."\n"; } } sub get_interface_info { my $interface = shift; my $info = `/sbin/ifconfig ${interface}`; $info =~ /^.+HWaddr ([a-zA-Z0-9:]+).+inet addr:([0-9.]+).+$/s; my ($mac, $ip) = ($1, $2); return ($mac, $ip); }