diff options
authorhasufell <>2012-04-15 01:13:40 +0200
committerhasufell <>2012-04-15 01:13:40 +0200
commitc61a601ba81859a3b62599c7d8a2d6f2edd25236 (patch)
tree68bc8204e158b621a7a181a80efba3ec1ef12a6c /games-strategy
parentgames-strategy/0ad: New Ebuild for bug 278541 thanks to mgorny and binki (diff)
games-strategy/openra: add README.gentoo
Diffstat (limited to 'games-strategy')
4 files changed, 119 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/games-strategy/openra/ChangeLog b/games-strategy/openra/ChangeLog
index 1a8feb2b6..ba49508bc 100644
--- a/games-strategy/openra/ChangeLog
+++ b/games-strategy/openra/ChangeLog
@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: $
+ 14 Apr 2012; hasufell <> openra-20120315.ebuild,
+ +files/README.gentoo:
+ add README.gentoo
12 Apr 2012; hasufell <> openra-20120315.ebuild:
games eclass always last; remove audio-flag from libsdl
diff --git a/games-strategy/openra/Manifest b/games-strategy/openra/Manifest
index d8010b6e9..7927452b9 100644
--- a/games-strategy/openra/Manifest
+++ b/games-strategy/openra/Manifest
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
+AUX README.gentoo 4754 RMD160 84b3167a9eb057952a922e45eda5bd2e39403200 SHA1 a4a6f67f03e346eb6919cf1b7226a0e3ec405c8b SHA256 fe5d3a65472701fdfa44fe3e27aad694a13881932f75dbbba5c1fc3464ca006f
AUX openra-20120315-makefile.patch 1425 RMD160 f427649501d47c70cb9fce5ec618766d714f3ec2 SHA1 6d7315cbcd494e90798d826b9ecdcdb99dd0363e SHA256 118007e882b685aeffa994fba3f5a0e5c41ba447cd526ff8af20de2d69c459ff
AUX openra-cnc.desktop 179 RMD160 37515323230b95ea3f9ae55b8583a6b485eb84f4 SHA1 a9df52c1967e00da6790bf987c55caf16b09e4b6 SHA256 6d5d77d5206ce24a40eac150f70ef9561553da5390dcd010ccaac064db31a0ef
AUX openra-editor.desktop 147 RMD160 1b71e5a6d3c67349c874bd62d2884249fbe6573f SHA1 03c302358840fb2e7988dcae5b5d5d2639c3e65d SHA256 be65ea2c5548662ce0ee5d9863f26fac0c0626dc712bb1c1e6ff6a6af064621d
AUX openra-ra.desktop 169 RMD160 c625dc42ef786f4fab61f510b495459ecf18f8aa SHA1 264747729e1c83bd24ea4b7cd884c3ea1479ddad SHA256 f6ca60a25bc66619d83a0bf93d990f338299ef42e54a4c3eb237239057b08686
-EBUILD openra-20120315.ebuild 2037 RMD160 6b7d17e6cd9c4e99ea5dfe957cd274378ca35657 SHA1 2cd005090bba31f951b9f140078877e7ab4f1bc8 SHA256 aebd2e882ec177d71cda0f95befc2dda7b542d6afe6715e387dec34c78abfe4c
-MISC ChangeLog 1374 RMD160 ca8f2be0e81eac0007e501930132224fc5e752b7 SHA1 9c8d21f9963b2377fe609bdcf071b6f678c1032a SHA256 a82d8bd282977d7ef849d3e2fd8054efb6da382c6c17a306a4ad59a5c9b771d0
+EBUILD openra-20120315.ebuild 2065 RMD160 30b7e51fbad99f23c272be14b6ae8fc188e7c66e SHA1 a72a970bedd7fda0cde6c60eeb6c8e6043117540 SHA256 6ec044b0aed55f8e313474d7229dbd674254ddcce103b320ed89dd02d02dba95
+MISC ChangeLog 1498 RMD160 b87697801c09af17bf0fb417e15c79904dd120bc SHA1 b4776766cfdbd675127353a6c91139e6ae8dca9c SHA256 8f7cfef4beccedd272b8a66d9e23524e06dd8059aa38f7ce4e9b3cdbd4b10714
MISC metadata.xml 277 RMD160 deef251b1089c0d0655fdbf52772c18f013c3786 SHA1 0c0b2d64253140602f55f3a9f253d15bf3feac45 SHA256 3706bb4995873a3063e6224888dee01cde0df6f2522f745b2d38ebcc7db0cd2f
diff --git a/games-strategy/openra/files/README.gentoo b/games-strategy/openra/files/README.gentoo
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..33502af0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games-strategy/openra/files/README.gentoo
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+OpenRA is a Libre/Free Real Time Strategy game engine supporting early
+Westwood games like Command & Conquer and Command & Conquer: Red Alert.
+Distributed mods include a reimagining and updating of both the Red
+Alert and Command & Conquer multiplayer games.
+You may run the game from desktop games menu or just manually
+run the game with `mono OpenRA.Game.exe Game.Mods=ra` for Red Alert
+or `mono OpenRA.Game.exe Game.Mods=cnc` for Command & Conquer.
+If you have problems starting the game consider switching to
+alternative Cg Renderer. You may run the game with alternative
+Cg Graphics Renderer from desktop games menu or by adding
+`Graphics.Renderer=Cg` parameter explicitly to above console commands
+ (convenient for some integrated graphics cards).
+To run explicitly with a default one use `Graphics.Renderer=Gl`
+parameter. The default Graphics Renderer is a better one, so
+don't forget to upgrade your graphics hardware drivers to the
+latest version. For Cg renderer also try to upgrade nvidia-cg-toolkit
+The RA packages will need to be extracted to ~/.openra/Content/ra/
+before the RA mod will actually work. The C&C packages will need
+to be extracted to ~/.openra/Contet/cnc/ for C&C mod. You may
+execute OpenRA and it will suggest to download content from original
+CD or a minimal one from OpenRA site automatically. You may also try
+to download minimal content pack from OpenRA site manually by using
+OpenRA Utility:
+cd /usr/share/games/openra
+mono OpenRA.Utility.exe --download-url=,/tmp/
+mono OpenRA.Utility.exe --extract-zip=/tmp/,~/.openra/Content/ra/
+The same commands for C&C mod:
+mono OpenRA.Utility.exe --download-url=,/tmp/
+mono OpenRA.Utility.exe --extract-zip=/tmp/,~/.openra/Content/cnc/
+But the better choice is to download a full pack from original game CD
+(or iso). However, full CD pack usage result in slower game start from
+OpenRA Lobby. It happens due to a lot of unnecessary things like video
+clips were pre-packaged in it. If you want optimal game start and all
+music themes (made by Frank Klepacki) from classic CD you should
+download them from OpenRA Forum:
+The minimal required files for the Red Alert mod are:
+ * conquer.mix
+ * temperat.mix
+ * interior.mix
+ * snow.mix
+ * sounds.mix
+ * allies.mix
+ * russian.mix
+OR: (Usually pretty long game start)
+ * main.mix
+ * redalert.mix
+The minimal required files for the Command and Conquer mod are:
+ * cclocal.mix
+ * speech.mix
+ * conquer.mix
+ * sounds.mix
+ * tempicnh.mix
+ * temperat.mix
+ * winter.mix
+ * desert.mix
+If you have a case-sensitive filesystem you must change the filenames to
+lower case.
+Red Alert and C&C have been released by EA Games as freeware. They could be
+downloaded from
+Unfortunately the installer is 16-bit and so won’t run on 64-bit operating
+systems. This can be worked around by using the Red Alert Setup Manager
+ (
+Make sure you apply the no-CD protection fix so all the files needed
+are installed to the hard drive.
+If your notebook doesn't show long battery life under OpenRA load you can
+do several things:
+1. Turn off "Show Shellmap" item under General tab of Settings menu.
+2. Edit ~/.openra/settings.yaml in the "Graphics:" section to add
+framelimiter. Add "CapFramerate: True" string there to enable framelimiter.
+The default setting is 60 frames per second. You can change it's value by
+adding "MaxFramerate: 70", for example, string in that section. Be careful
+with special tab symbols at the beginning of the strings. Don't forget to
+backup your settings file.
+Please note: OpenRA has 2 types of released versions:
+1. Release Versions or just Versions.
+2. Unstable Playtests Versions or just Playtests.
+Release Versions are considered as more stable ones. Playtests are also
+pretty stable in most cases but they have usually more features wich are
+needed to be tested before inclusion into release. So, if you have any
+problems, please report them to the IRC channel #openra on
+(Use if you don't have IRC client)
+or to the bug-tracker (
+You may also see servers list with
+or by using orabot on IRC channel:
+]games (or !games)
+to see the games wich are waiting to start or
+]games --all
+to see all games.
+Please read HACKING for an overview of the engine and read OpenRA Wiki
+page for more info about the game and it's development:
diff --git a/games-strategy/openra/openra-20120315.ebuild b/games-strategy/openra/openra-20120315.ebuild
index 94af76689..4f4e66cad 100644
--- a/games-strategy/openra/openra-20120315.ebuild
+++ b/games-strategy/openra/openra-20120315.ebuild
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ src_install() {
domenu "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-{cnc,editor,ra}.desktop || die
if use cg ; then
# set default renderer to cg