# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ inherit toolchain-funcs MY_P="${PN}${PV/./}" DESCRIPTION="Unified compressor for PAQ algorithms" HOMEPAGE="http://cs.fit.edu/~mmahoney/compression/#zpaq" SRC_URI="http://cs.fit.edu/~mmahoney/compression/${MY_P}.zip" LICENSE="GPL-3" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86" IUSE="doc" src_compile() { # Upstream doesn't provide any Makefile "$(tc-getCXX)" ${CXXFLAGS} ${MY_P}.cpp -o zpaq || die 'compiling zpaq failed' "$(tc-getCXX)" ${CXXFLAGS} un${MY_P}.cpp -o unzpaq || die 'compiling unzpaq failed' } src_install() { dobin zpaq unzpaq || die 'dobin failed' dodoc readme.txt || die 'dodoc failed' if use doc; then dodoc zpaq100.pdf || die 'dodoc failed' fi # These are more like compression profiles, so install them in /usr/share insinto /usr/share/zpaq doins *.cfg || die 'doins failed' } pkg_postinst() { elog "Unlike conventional archivers, zpaq doesn't have any algorithm chain" elog "compiled in by default. Instead, it provides many PAQ components to allow" elog "user to create his own chain and supply it as configuration file." elog elog "We install few default configs in /usr/share/zpaq to start with. They can" elog "be used like that:" elog " zpaq c/usr/share/zpaq/max.cfg out.zpaq files" elog elog "We're working on a more user-friendly solution." }