# ChangeLog for app-misc/clex # Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: $ 11 Jun 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) clex-4.0_beta2.ebuild: Simplify die messages 10 Jun 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) -clex-3.18-r1.ebuild, +clex-4.0_beta2.ebuild: Version bump, remove old 12 Apr 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) -clex-3.18.ebuild, +clex-3.18-r1.ebuild: HTML help pages released, hence add back 'doc' USE flag 07 Apr 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) -clex-3.17.ebuild, +clex-3.18.ebuild: Version bump, remove old, the online manual pages will be released later hence remove 'doc' USE flag 04 Feb 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) +metadata.xml, +clex-3.17.ebuild: New Ebuild for bug 41601. Thanks to swegener since the ebuild is based on his initial work, to armin76, jokey, drac, and Tommy[D] for the review, to ZeRoX for testing on x86, Ampheus for the s/clex/${PN}/ changes on SRC_URI and dohtml, and to und3f