# ChangeLog for dev-cpp/libiqxmlrpc # Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: $ 20 Oct 2006; Christian Faulhammer (opfer) libiqxmlrpc-0.7.3a.ebuild, libiqxmlrpc-0.8.1.ebuild: added trailing slash to HOMEPAGE URL 07 Oct 2006; Tiziano Müller -files/0.7.2-doc_manual_install.patch, -libiqxmlrpc-0.7.2.ebuild, -files/0.7.2-value_type-namespace_and_template.patch, +libiqxmlrpc-0.8.1.ebuild: Version bump. Old versions removed. 31 Aug 2006; Tiziano Müller +files/0.7.3a-doc_manual_install.patch, +libiqxmlrpc-0.7.3a.ebuild: Version bump. -> Upstream included our patch -> Upstream added config-options to set the name of the boos-libs which makes it obsolote to 'sed' -> Added libxml2 to DEPEND 25 Jun 2006; Tiziano Müller ChangeLog: New ebuild for bug 71785