# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ EAPI=2 inherit eutils versionator DESCRIPTION="Palm WebOS SDK with Mojo Application Framework and emulator to develop Palm Pre applications" HOMEPAGE="http://developer.palm.com/" MY_VER="$(get_version_component_range 1-3)-svn274946-sdk1436-pho$(get_version_component_range 4)" SRC_URI="http://cdn.downloads.palm.com/sdkdownloads/${PV}/sdkBinaries/palm-sdk_${MY_VER}_i386.deb" LICENSE="${PN}" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86 -*" MY_LINGUAS="linguas_de linguas_it linguas_pt_BR linguas_ru linguas_sv" IUSE=${MY_LINGUAS} RDEPEND="|| ( app-emulation/virtualbox-bin app-emulation/virtualbox ) >=virtual/jre-1.5 x86? ( net-libs/libproxy net-libs/libsoup:2.4 net-libs/libsoup-gnome:2.4 net-libs/webkit-gtk x11-libs/gtk+:2 )" QA_PRESTRIPPED_x86=" opt/PalmSDK/0.1/bin/palminspector opt/PalmSDK/0.1/bin/proxy" QA_PRESTRIPPED_amd64="${QA_PRESTRIPPED_x86} opt/PalmSDK/0.1/lib/libproxy.so opt/PalmSDK/0.1/lib/libproxy.so.0 opt/PalmSDK/0.1/lib/libproxy.so.0.0.0 opt/PalmSDK/0.1/lib/libproxy/0.2.3/plugins/envvar.so opt/PalmSDK/0.1/lib/libproxy/0.2.3/plugins/file.so opt/PalmSDK/0.1/lib/libproxy/0.2.3/plugins/gnome.so opt/PalmSDK/0.1/lib/libproxy/0.2.3/plugins/kde.so" src_unpack() { unpack ${A} unpack ./data.tar.gz } src_prepare() { local my_linguas for my_linguas in ${MY_LINGUAS} ; do use ${my_linguas} && continue rm -rf "opt/${PN}/0.1/share/locale/${my_linguas#linguas_}" || die done rm -rf opt/${PN}/0.1/lib/lib{soup,webkit}* || die if use x86 ; then rm -rf opt/${PN}/0.1/lib/libproxy* || die fi } src_install() { local my_bin for my_bin in $(find opt/${PN}/0.1/bin -maxdepth 1 -type f) ; do dosym "/${my_bin}" "/opt/bin/$(basename "${my_bin}")" || die done insinto opt/${PN} doins -r opt/${PN}/0.1 || die fperms -R a+x /opt/${PN}/0.1/{bin,lib} || die dosym 0.1 opt/PalmSDK/Current || die newicon "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-palm-emulator.png" palm-emulator.png || die make_desktop_entry /opt/bin/palm-emulator "Palm Mojo SDK Emulator" palm-emulator Development if use amd64 ; then ewarn "palminspector does not work on amd64 due to missing 32bit libraries " ewarn "libenchant.so.1 libicu{data,i18n,uc}.so.38 and libgnutls.so.13." ewarn "The execute bit will be removed to silence revdep-rebuild." ewarn "You can obtain these by using portage2.2 and multilib overlay." ewarn "See http://github.com/sjnewbury/multilib-overlay for details." fperms a-x /opt/${PN}/0.1/bin/palminspector || die fi } pkg_postinst() { if ! grep 'localhost' /etc/hosts | grep -s -q '' ; then ewarn 'Add " localhost" to your /etc/hosts' fi if ! grep -s -q ' qemu' /etc/hosts ; then ewarn 'Add " qemu" to your /etc/hosts' fi if ! grep -s -q ' device' /etc/hosts ; then ewarn 'Add something like " device" to your /etc/hosts' fi elog 'Do not forget to add your account to the vboxusers group!' }