Copyright Mark P Jones 1991-1994 CONDITIONS OF USE, DUPLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any personal or educational use without fee is hereby granted, provided that: a) This copyright notice is retained in both source code and supporting documentation. b) Modified versions of this software are redistributed only if accompanied by a complete history (date, author, description) of modifications made; the intention here is to give appropriate credit to those involved, whilst simultaneously ensuring that any recipient can determine the origin of the software. c) The same conditions are also applied to any software system derived either in full or in part from Gofer. The name "Gofer" is not a trademark, registered or otherwise, and you are free to mention this name in published material, public and private correspondence, or other documents without restriction or obligation. Gofer is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. -----------------------------------------------------------------------