# ChangeLog for media-gfx/gimp-cmyk-plugin # Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: $ 12 Aug 2009; Justin Lecher (jlec) +files/0.5.4-Makefile.patch, -gimp-cmyk-plugin-0.5.3.ebuild, +gimp-cmyk-plugin-0.5.4.ebuild, -files/installer.patch: version bump, CC, LDFLAGS and CFLAGS are respected now, keyworded for ~amd64, make use of base.eclass 12 Jul 2009; Thomas Sachau (Tommy[D]) gimp-cmyk-plugin-0.5.3.ebuild: Whitespace, simplify 27 May 2009; Ian Stakenvicius (_AxS_) +gimp-cmyk-plugin-0.5.3.ebuild, +files/installer.patch, +metadata.xml: New ebuild for bug 24837, thanks to scarabeus, nikai, palatis, and dm.konrad