# ChangeLog for media-radio/ax25-tools # Copyright 2002-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: $ 07 Sep 2009; Thomas Beierlein (TomJBE) ax25-tools-0.0.10_rc2.ebuild: work around for parallel build problem 20 Jul 2009; Thomas Beierlein (TomJBE) ax25-tools-0.0.10_rc2.ebuild: Simplify ${MY_P} 23 Jun 2009; Romain Perier (mrpouet) ax25-tools-0.0.10_rc2.ebuild: Add ~amd64 into KEYWORDS and add || die statement to rm and newinitd calls 23 Jun 2009; Thomas Beierlein (TomJBE) -ax25-tools-0.0.10_rc1.ebuild, +ax25-tools-0.0.10_rc2.ebuild: Minor version bump 16 Jun 2009; Thomas Beierlein (TomJBE) -ax25-tools-0.0.8_p20081125.ebuild, +ax25-tools-0.0.10_rc1.ebuild: minor version bump 19 Jan 2009; Thomas Sachau (Tommy[D]) ax25-tools-0.0.8_p20081125.ebuild: Add suggested RDEPEND=${DEPEND} 25 Nov 2008; Thomas Beierlein (TomJBE) -ax25-tools-0.0.8_p20080711.ebuild, +ax25-tools-0.0.8_p20081125.ebuild, -files/ax25-tools-9999-axgetput.diff: New snapshot with some bugfixes 19 Aug 2008; Thomas Beierlein (TomJBE) metadata.xml: Fix metadata.xml and add USE flag description wrt GLEP 56 31 Jul 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) ax25-tools-0.0.8_p20080711.ebuild: Whitespace 27 Jul 2008; Thomas Anderson ax25-tools-0.0.8_p20080711.ebuild: Remove unnecessary quoting on assignment 25 Jul 2008; Thomas Beierlein (TomJBE) ax25-tools-0.0.8_p20080711.ebuild: fix trailing whitespace 25 Jul 2008; Thomas Beierlein (TomJBE) +files/ax25d.rc, +ax25-tools-0.0.8_p20080711.ebuild, +files/mheardd.rc, +files/netromd.rc, +files/rip98d.rc, +files/ax25-tools-9999-axgetput.diff, +files/rxecho.rc, +files/ttylinkd.rc, +metadata.xml: Ebuild for bug 232927 based on old ebuild for ax25-tools-0.0.8-r1 from CVS attic. Thanks to Tommy[D] and chithead for help.