# ChangeLog for media-video/sn9c1xx # Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: $ 15 Jun 2007; Ali Polatel (hawking) -sn9c1xx-1.47.ebuild, -files/sn9c1xx-1.47-destdir.patch, -files/sn9c1xx-1.47-kbuild.patch: drop old 12 Jun 2007; Auke Booij (tulcod) +sn9c1xx-1.48.ebuild, +files/sn9c1xx-1.48-kbuild.patch: Ebuild update 1.47 -> 1.48 11 Jun 2007; Auke Booij (tulcod) sn9c1xx-1.47.ebuild, files/sn9c1xx-1.47-destdir.patch: =media-video/sn9c1xx-1.47 is now hosted by DrEeevil, thx! (still corresponding with the maker too look for options) 11 Jun 2007; Auke Booij (tulcod) +files/sn9c1xx-1.47-destdir.patch, +files/sn9c1xx-1.47-kbuild.patch: Ebuild updated. 1.45 seems to be outdated and did not work when I uploaded the ebuild. This is 1.47, I am corresponding with the maker to see if more versions can be kept online 11 Jun 2007; Auke Booij (tulcod) -sn9c1xx-1.45.ebuild, +sn9c1xx-1.47.ebuild: Update for media-video/sn9c1xx, this should be the latest. 1.45 is out of date and cannot be installed because the tarball was removed from the server 11 Jun 2007; Auke Booij (tulcod) +sn9c1xx-1.45.ebuild, +files/sn9c1xx-1.45-destdir.patch, +files/sn9c1xx-1.45-kbuild.patch, +metadata.xml: New Ebuild for bug 180853 thanks to shillelagh and DrEevil