# ChangeLog for net-im/tigase-server # Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: $ 20 Apr 2009; Christian Ruppert tigase-server-9999_pre4.ebuild: Live ebuilds shouldn't have KEYWORDS. Added missing die statements. 17 Nov 2008; Mads Randstoft (mazzachre) -tigase-server-9999_pre3.ebuild, +tigase-server-9999_pre4.ebuild, files/conf_d_tigase, files/init_d_tigase, +files/logger.patch, +files/tigase.properties: New config structure, remove previous version completly before building 09 Oct 2008; Mads Randstoft (mazzachre) mads_randstoft@yahoo.dk -tigase-server-9999_pre2.ebuild, +tigase-server-9999_pre3.ebuild, files/init_d_tigase: Ebuild version bump, now uses java-config to find essential jars instead of config, leaving config to user added classes. 07 Oct 2008; Mads Randstoft (mazzachre) +tigase-server-9999_pre2.ebuild, +files/classpaths.patch, +files/conf_d_tigase, +files/default_config.patch, +files/init_d_tigase, +metadata.xml: New EBuild for Tigase Server (bug 238755)