# ChangeLog for net-mail/gmail-notify # Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: $ 28 Sep 2006; David Grant (dgrant) gmail-notify-1.6.1.ebuild, +files/gmail-notify-conf-perms.patch: Added a patch to make gmail-notify put 660 permissions on the ~/.notifier.conf file, so that the plaintext gmail password stored there isn't available for all the world to see 26 Sep 2006; David Grant (dgrant) gmail-notify-1.6.1.ebuild, +files/gmail-notify-trayicon.patch, +files/gmail-notify-ubuntu-patches.patch: Added ubuntu patches (without which gmail-notify was somewhat broken), added patch to use gnome-python-extras instead, and clean up ebuild 11 Aug 2006; Jakub Moc gmail-notify-1.6.1.ebuild: Add RESTRICT="strip" 11 Jul 2006; David Grant (dgrant) ChangeLog: incorporated suggestions from Tristan Heaven 10 Jul 2006; David Grant (dgrant) ChangeLog: New Ebuild for Bug 139911