# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ # This file contains descriptions of local USE flags, and the ebuilds which # contain them. # Keep it sorted. app-admin/blockhosts:logrotate - Enable logrotate file installation app-admin/collectd:hddtemp - Enable monitoring of disk temperatures (app-admin/hddtemp) app-admin/pwsafe:suid - Enable suid root binary app-admin/vlogger:dbi - enable support for DBI app-dicts/ktranslator:festival - Enable festival support app-dicts/ktranslator:lowmem - Disable optimizations for searches app-dicts/ktranslator:ocr - Enable GOCR support app-emulation/xenman:lvm2 - Enable lvm2 support app-misc/ccpublisher:zope - Install zope stuff app-misc/emelfm2:fam - Use FAM for file-change monitoring app-misc/emelfm2:unicode - Forces conversion of filenames to Unicode app-misc/gcstar:tellico - Enable support for kde-misc/tellico files app-misc/genealogyj-bin:geoview - Adds support for geographic extensions app-misc/genealogyj-bin:skins - Installs some skins app-misc/gizmod:libvisual - Enable the libvisual (Amarok) plugin app-misc/mc-mp:7zip - Add support for 7zip archives app-portage/portato:userpriv - Allow emerge processes as normal user. app-portage/pusher:subversion - Enable support for Subversion. dev-cpp/libcwd:pch - Add support for precompiled headers dev-games/opal:double-precision - more precise calculations at the expense of speed dev-lang/brainwash:char - Compile with support for unsigned character (instead of signed integer) cells. dev-python/pyyaml:libyaml - Adds support for the LibYAML library (written in C) dev-util/ktigcc:minimal - Do not install completion data for the TIGCCLIB system headers dev-util/mockpp:boost - Use boost.test instead of cxxtest as framework dev-util/mockpp:cppunit - Use cppunit instead of cxxtest as framework games-fps/chocolate-doom:server - Enable installation of server games-fps/uhexen2:asm - Use x86 assembly on ia32 machines which is faster (it only applies to software renderer) games-fps/uhexen2:cdaudio - Enable cd audio playback support games-fps/uhexen2:demo - Install the demo files (hexen2-demodata) and configure for use games-fps/uhexen2:dynamic - Link to the opengl libraries at compile time games-fps/uhexen2:hexenworld - Build support for HexenWorld games-fps/uhexen2:lights - Install and setup the updated light maps games-fps/uhexen2:midi - Include MIDI music support games-fps/uhexen2:optimize-cflags - Build with more optimized CFLAGS games-fps/uhexen2:sdlaudio - Enable SDL Audio games-fps/uhexen2:sdlcd - Enable cd audio playback support through SDL games-fps/uhexen2:tools - Enable compilation of various useful tools games-fps/uhexen2-cvs:3dfx - Enable 3dfx glide hacks for native hardware gamma for the old Voodoo Graphics and Voodoo2 cards games-fps/uhexen2-cvs:asm - Use x86 assembly on ia32 machines which is faster (it only applies to software renderer) games-fps/uhexen2-cvs:cdaudio - Enable cd audio playback support games-fps/uhexen2-cvs:demo - Install the demo files (hexen2-demodata) and configure for use games-fps/uhexen2-cvs:dynamic - Link to the opengl libraries at compile time games-fps/uhexen2-cvs:hexenworld - Build support for HexenWorld games-fps/uhexen2-cvs:lights - Install and setup the updated light maps games-fps/uhexen2-cvs:midi - Include MIDI music support games-fps/uhexen2-cvs:optimize-cflags - Build with more optimized CFLAGS games-fps/uhexen2-cvs:sdlaudio - Enable SDL Audio games-fps/uhexen2-cvs:sdlcd - Enable cd audio playback support through SDL games-fps/uhexen2-cvs:tools - Install various useful tools games-fps/vavoom:allegro - Adds support for Allegro (media library) games-fps/vavoom:asm - Enable faster assembly-language code for rendering games-fps/vavoom:external-glbsp - Use external library provided from games-util/glbsp games-fps/vavoom:models - Install enhanced 3D models games-fps/vavoom:music - Install enhanced hi-quality music (in OGG format) games-fps/vavoom:tools - Enable compilation of mod-developing tools games-fps/vavoom:textures - Install enhanced hi-res textures games-fps/vavoom-models:doom - Install Doom resources" games-fps/vavoom-models:heretic - Install Heretic resources" games-fps/vavoom-models:hexen - Install Hexen resources" games-fps/vavoom-models:strife - Install Strife resources" games-fps/vavoom-music:doom1 - Install Doom 1 resources" games-fps/vavoom-music:doom2 - Install Doom 2 resources" games-fps/vavoom-music:heretic - Install Heretic resources" games-fps/vavoom-music:hexen - Install Hexen resources" games-fps/vavoom-music:plutonia - Install 'The Plutonia Experiment' resources" games-fps/vavoom-music:tnt - Install 'TNT: Evilution' resources" games-fps/vavoom-textures:doom1 - Install Doom 1 resources" games-fps/vavoom-textures:doom2 - Install Doom 2 resources" games-fps/vavoom-textures:heretic - Install Heretic resources" games-fps/vavoom-textures:hexen - Install Hexen resources" games-fps/vavoom-textures:plutonia - Install 'The Plutonia Experiment' resources" games-fps/vavoom-textures:tnt - Install 'TNT: Evilution' resources" games-util/bsp:dmalloc - Enable debugging with the dmalloc library gnome-extra/eiciel:xattr - if you want extended attributes support enabled gnome-extra/timer-applet:sounds - Installs optional sound data kde-misc/kcpufreq:icon - Add icon for GUI applet (enabled by default) kde-misc/kio-sysinfo:branding - Enable a custom gentoo branded background mail-filter/MailScanner:bitdefender - Enable usage of bitdefender virus scanner mail-filter/MailScanner:exim - Set exim to used MTA mail-filter/MailScanner:f-prot - Enable usage of fprot virus scanner mail-filter/MailScanner:postfix - Set postfix to used MTA mail-filter/MailScanner:spamassassin - Enable usage of spamassassin for spam detection media-gfx/fim:postscript - Install a postscript wrapper script media-gfx/fim:screen - Add (experimental!) support for running under screen media-gfx/fyre:cluster - Add support for cluster rendering media-gfx/openscenegraph:coin - Compile coin plugin media-gfx/openscenegraph:gdal - Compile gdal plugin media-gfx/openscenegraph:introspection - Compile osgIntrospection media-gfx/openscenegraph:inventor - Compile inventor plugin media-gfx/openscenegraph:jasper - Compile jasper plugin media-gfx/openscenegraph:producer - Compile osgProducer media-gfx/openvrml:imagetexture - Support for image textures media-gfx/synfig:fontconfig - Support for managing custom fonts via fontconfig media-gfx/synfig-studio:fmod - Enables support for using mod files for audio support media-sound/crip:normalize - Enable for being able to normalize ripped tracks media-sound/gnormalize:cddb - Access cddb servers to retrieve and submit information about compact disks. media-sound/gnormalize:musepack - Enables support for the musepack audio codec media-sound/gnormalize:normalize - Enable the normalize front-end media-sound/lmms:ladspa - Enables support for LADSPA plugins media-sound/lmms:samplerate - Enable support for libsamplerate media-sound/lmms:vst - Enable support for VST plugins media-sound/ncmpc:artist-screen - local USE flag for this software, please describe media-sound/ncmpc:lyrics-screen - local USE flag for this software, please describe media-sound/om:dssi - Enables support for DSSI plugins media-sound/om:ladspa - Enables support for LADSPA plugins media-sound/om:patch-loader - Installs a command line patch loading client media-sound/peapod:bittorrent - Enable support for the BitTorrent protocol media-sound/peapod:id3 - Support ID3 in the player net-analyzer/honeytrap:efence - Electronic fence malloc debugger net-analyzer/honeytrap:ipq-mon - IP queue based monitor net-analyzer/honeytrap:pcap-mon - pcap based monitor net-dns/nsd:axfr - Enable AXFR client to transfer zones from a name server net-dns/nsd:bind8-stats - Enables BIND8 like NSTATS & XSTATS net-dns/nsd:checking - Enable internal runtime checks net-dns/nsd:dnssec - Enable DNSSEC support net-dns/nsd:nsec3 - Enable NSEC3 support net-dns/nsd:nsid - Enable NSID support net-dns/nsd:plugins - Enable plugin support net-dns/nsd:root-server - Configure NSD as a root server net-dns/nsd:tsig - Enable TSIG support net-ftp/cmdftp:onlysmall - Disable largefile support net-im/gizmo:avahi - Use avahi mdns daemon net-mail/checkgmail:clickurl - Add support to click urls in the popup notification net-mail/checkgmail:savepwd - Add support for saving and encrypting GMail password net-mail/fdm:tdb - Enable the Trivial Database (xdb) backend net-mail/simscan:attachment - Enable attachment filtering net-mail/simscan:custom-smtp-reject - Enable the custom SMTP reject with qmail net-mail/simscan:dropmsg - Enable dropping message contains virus/spam net-mail/simscan:passthru - Disable reject of messages where spam or virus is detected net-mail/simscan:per-domain - Enable per domain virus/spam/attach checks/filters net-mail/simscan:quarantine - Enable the detected spam/virus to be stored in quarantine net-mail/simscan:received - Enable the add of a Received line in scanned messages net-mail/simscan:regex - Enable regex attachment filename checking net-mail/simscan:spamassassin - Enable the spam checks with spamassasin net-misc/clinkcc:mythtv - Enable MythTV support net-misc/mugshot:xulrunner - Compile browser extension using xulrunner net-misc/netbrake:httpfs - Enable the HTTP filesystem support net-news/rsstool:presets - Includes some preset searches for creating RSS feeds. net-p2p/btg:cppunit - Enable building unittests. net-p2p/btg:event-callback - Enable executing scripts for certain events (daemon). net-p2p/btg:session-saving - Enable saving sessions (daemon). net-p2p/btg:upnp - Enable using UPnP (daemon). Interfaces the CyberLink UPnP library. net-p2p/btg:web - Enable installing WWW client. net-p2p/murmur:trayicon - Enable support for tray icon net-wireless/rt2x00-git:rt2400pci - Build rt2400pci driver net-wireless/rt2x00-git:rt2500pci - Build rt2500pci driver net-wireless/rt2x00-git:rt2500usb - Build rt2500usb driver net-wireless/rt2x00-git:rt61pci - Build rt61pci driver net-wireless/rt2x00-git:rt73usb - Build rt73usb driver net-zope/imagerepository:kupu - Pulls in kupu as a dependency sci-biology/tgi-tools:pvm - Use sys-cluster/pvm (Parallel Virtual Machine) and build the pvmsx utility sci-libs/libticables2:pam_console - Adds support for pam console from PAM sci-libs/sympy:xslt - Adds MathML printing support sci-libs/gmsh:cgns - Enables cgns output support sci-libs/gmsh:metis - Enables metis support sys-auth/pam_sotp:urandom - Use /dev/urandom for password generations (faster but less secure) sys-devel/scratchbox-toolchain-cs2005q3_2-glibc:arm - Install the toolchain for the ARM arch sys-devel/scratchbox-toolchain-cs2005q3_2-glibc:i386 - Install the toolchain for the i386 arch sys-fs/aufs:hinotify - Add support for aufs inotify sys-fs/aufs:ksize - Patch to support realloc of memory to make the aufs module run more efficiently sys-fs/aufs:nfs - Patch for lhash support sys-fs/aufs:nfsexport - Enable support for exporting aufs via nfs sys-power/acpi-support:hibernate-script - Use sys-power/hibernate-script for sleep and hibernate actions x11-libs/pdcurses:latin1 - Add support for latin1 characters x11-libs/pdcurses:nextaw - Use neXtaw instead of Xaw x11-misc/wbar:animation - Patch for animation support