# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ # This file contains descriptions of local USE flags, and the ebuilds which # contain them. app-admin/blockhosts:logrotate - Enable logrotate file installation app-admin/blockhosts:logwatch - Install support files for logwatch app-admin/vlogger:dbi - Enable support for DBI app-arch/zpaq:doc - Install ZPAQ specification along with compressor. app-backup/darbackup:dar64 - Enables --enable-mode=64 option, which replace infinite by 64 bit integers app-dicts/ktranslator:festival - Enable festival support app-dicts/ktranslator:lowmem - Disable optimizations for searches app-dicts/ktranslator:ocr - Enable GOCR support app-emulation/xenman:lvm2 - Enable lvm2 support app-misc/2gis:data - Use maps and other data from app-misc/2gis-data app-misc/2gis-data:astr - The map of Astrakhan for app-misc/2gis app-misc/2gis-data:barn - The map of Barnaul for app-misc/2gis app-misc/2gis-data:biysk - The map of Biysk for app-misc/2gis app-misc/2gis-data:chel - The map of Chelyabinsk for app-misc/2gis app-misc/2gis-data:ekb - The map of Ekaterinburg for app-misc/2gis app-misc/2gis-data:irk - The map of Irkutsk for app-misc/2gis app-misc/2gis-data:kaz - The map of Kazan for app-misc/2gis app-misc/2gis-data:kem - The map of Kemerovo for app-misc/2gis app-misc/2gis-data:kras - The map of Krasnoyarsk for app-misc/2gis app-misc/2gis-data:kur - The map of Kurgan for app-misc/2gis app-misc/2gis-data:nkuz - The map of Novokuznetsk for app-misc/2gis app-misc/2gis-data:nnov - The map of N_Novgorod for app-misc/2gis app-misc/2gis-data:nsk - The map of Novosibirsk for app-misc/2gis app-misc/2gis-data:nvar - The map of Nizhnevartovsk for app-misc/2gis app-misc/2gis-data:odes - The map of Odessa for app-misc/2gis app-misc/2gis-data:omsk - The map of Omsk for app-misc/2gis app-misc/2gis-data:perm - The map of Perm for app-misc/2gis app-misc/2gis-data:sam - The map of Samara for app-misc/2gis app-misc/2gis-data:tim - The map of Tyumen for app-misc/2gis app-misc/2gis-data:tom - The map of Tomsk for app-misc/2gis app-misc/2gis-data:ufa - The map of Ufa for app-misc/2gis app-misc/ccpublisher:zope - Install zope stuff app-misc/gcstar:tellico - Enable support for kde-misc/tellico files app-misc/genealogyj-bin:geoview - Adds support for geographic extensions app-misc/genealogyj-bin:skins - Installs some skins app-misc/gizmod:libvisual - Enable the media-libs/libvisual (Amarok) plugin app-misc/heyu:cm17a - Support the X10 CM17A "Firecracker" device app-misc/heyu:dmx210 - Support the Digimax 210 remote thermostat device app-misc/heyu:ext0 - Support extended type 0 (shutter and shade) commands app-misc/heyu:ore - Support Oregon RF sensors app-misc/heyu:rfxm - Support RFXMeters app-misc/heyu:rfxs - Support RFXSensors app-misc/navit:garmin - Enable the ability to read Garmin Road/Topo maps app-misc/navit:speechd - Enable speech output for routing notifications app-office/openoffice-infra:binfilter - Enable support for legacy StarOffice 5.x and earlier file formats app-office/openoffice-infra:infradicts - Use all bundled dicts from Infra-Resource app-office/openoffice-infra:odk - Build the Office Development Kit dev-cpp/libvmime:pop - Support POP for mail retrieval dev-cpp/libvmime:sendmail - Support for mail-mta/sendmail as a mail transport agent dev-cpp/libvmime:smtp - Enable support for the SMTP protocol dev-db/dabo:ide - Enable dabo IDE dev-games/opal:double-precision - More precise calculations at the expense of speed dev-lang/brainwash:char - Compile with support for unsigned character (instead of signed integer) cells dev-lang/xharbour:allegro - Build Allegro-based GT driver dev-libs/libmail:apop - Enables the APOP authentication method dev-libs/libwiimote:force - Enable force feedback dev-libs/libwiimote:tilt - Enable tilt dev-util/eresi:server - Build eresi server capability dev-util/mockpp:boost - Use boost.test instead of cxxtest as framework dev-util/mockpp:cppunit - Use cppunit instead of cxxtest as framework games-board/dreamchess:music - Install the music pack games-board/dreamchess:sound - Enable support for media-libs/sdl-mixer to get sound games-emulation/gr-lida:dosbox - Enable support for dosbox emulator games-emulation/gr-lida:scummvm - Enable support for scummvm emulator games-fps/bloodfrontier:server - Installs the Server Binary games-fps/chocolate-doom:server - Enable installation of server games-fps/tremfusion:tty - Enables text based game client games-fps/uhexen2:asm - Use x86 assembly on ia32 machines which is faster (it only applies to software renderer) games-fps/uhexen2:cdaudio - Enable cd audio playback support games-fps/uhexen2:demo - Install the demo files (hexen2-demodata) and configure for use games-fps/uhexen2:dynamic - Link to the opengl libraries at compile time games-fps/uhexen2:hexenworld - Build support for HexenWorld games-fps/uhexen2:lights - Install and setup the updated light maps games-fps/uhexen2:midi - Include MIDI music support games-fps/uhexen2:optimize-cflags - Build with more optimized CFLAGS games-fps/uhexen2:sdlaudio - Enable SDL audio games-fps/uhexen2:sdlcd - Enable cd audio playback support through SDL games-fps/uhexen2:tools - Enable compilation of various useful tools games-fps/uhexen2-cvs:asm - Use x86 assembly on ia32 machines which is faster (it only applies to software renderer) games-fps/uhexen2-cvs:cdaudio - Enable cd audio playback support games-fps/uhexen2-cvs:demo - Install the demo files (hexen2-demodata) and configure for use games-fps/uhexen2-cvs:dynamic - Link to the opengl libraries at compile time games-fps/uhexen2-cvs:hexenworld - Build support for HexenWorld games-fps/uhexen2-cvs:lights - Install and setup the updated light maps games-fps/uhexen2-cvs:midi - Include MIDI music support games-fps/uhexen2-cvs:optimize-cflags - Build with more optimized CFLAGS games-fps/uhexen2-cvs:sdlaudio - Enable SDL audio games-fps/uhexen2-cvs:sdlcd - Enable cd audio playback support through SDL games-fps/uhexen2-cvs:tools - Install various useful tools games-fps/vavoom:allegro - Adds support for media-libs/allegro(media library) games-fps/vavoom:asm - Enable faster assembly-language code for rendering games-fps/vavoom:models - Install enhanced 3D models games-fps/vavoom:music - Install enhanced hi-quality music (in OGG format) games-fps/vavoom:textures - Install enhanced hi-res textures games-fps/vavoom:tools - Enable compilation of mod-developing tools games-fps/vavoom-models:doom - Install Doom resources games-fps/vavoom-models:heretic - Install Heretic resources games-fps/vavoom-models:hexen - Install Hexen resources games-fps/vavoom-models:strife - Install Strife resources games-fps/vavoom-music:doom1 - Install Doom 1 resources games-fps/vavoom-music:doom2 - Install Doom 2 resources games-fps/vavoom-music:heretic - Install Heretic resources games-fps/vavoom-music:hexen - Install Hexen resources games-fps/vavoom-music:plutonia - Install 'The Plutonia Experiment' resources games-fps/vavoom-music:tnt - Install 'TNT: Evilution' resources games-fps/vavoom-textures:doom1 - Install Doom 1 resources games-fps/vavoom-textures:doom2 - Install Doom 2 resources games-fps/vavoom-textures:heretic - Install Heretic resources games-fps/vavoom-textures:hexen - Install Hexen resources games-fps/vavoom-textures:plutonia - Install 'The Plutonia Experiment' resources games-fps/vavoom-textures:tnt - Install 'TNT: Evilution' resources games-misc/fretsonfire:guitarhero - Enable Guitar Hero song importer games-misc/fretsonfire:psyco - Enable psyco python accelerator games-util/bsp:dmalloc - Enable debugging with the dmalloc library gnome-extra/alarm-clock-applet:libnotify - Enables support for libnotify notification system gnome-extra/evolution-rss:webkit - Build using the webkit renderer gnome-extra/timer-applet:sounds - Installs optional sound data kde-misc/kcpufreq:icon - Add icon for GUI applet (enabled by default) media-gfx/exact-image:agg - Adds Anti-Grain Geometry supportx11-libs/agg media-gfx/exact-image:swig - Adds Swig support dev-lang/swig media-gfx/fim:postscript - Install a postscript wrapper script media-gfx/fim:screen - Add (experimental!) support for running under screen media-gfx/fyre:cluster - Add support for cluster rendering media-gfx/graphicsmagick:fpx - Enable FlashPix support media-gfx/graphicsmagick:gs - Enable Ghostscript library support media-gfx/graphicsmagick:imagemagick - Enable ImageMagick command compatibility media-gfx/graphicsmagick:openmp - Build support for the OpenMP (support parallel computing) media-gfx/graphicsmagick:q16 - Set quantum depth to 16 media-gfx/graphicsmagick:q32 - Set quantum depth to 32 media-gfx/openscenegraph:coin - Compile media-libs/coin plugin media-gfx/openscenegraph:gdal - Compile sci-libs/gdal plugin media-gfx/openscenegraph:introspection - Compile osgIntrospection media-gfx/openscenegraph:inventor - Compile media-libs/openinventor plugin media-gfx/openscenegraph:jasper - Compile media-libs/jasper plugin media-gfx/openscenegraph:producer - Compile osgProducer media-gfx/openvrml:imagetexture - Support for image textures media-gfx/synfigstudio:fmod - Enables support for using mod files for audio support media-radio/ax25-tools:X - Enable some x based configuration tools. media-radio/drm:hamlib - Enables support by the Hamlib amateur radio rig control library to get/set frequency and mode of the radio in use media-radio/fldigi:hamlib - Enables support by the Hamlib amateur radio rig control library to get/set frequency and mode of the ham radio in use media-radio/grig:coverage - Enable coverage reports media-radio/grig:hardware - Enable hardware IO media-radio/unixcw:ncurses - Enables building the curses based morse code tutor program 'cwcp'. media-radio/unixcw:qt3 - Enables building the Qt based morse code tutor program 'xcwcp'. media-radio/xastir:festival - Enable text to speech synthesizer media-radio/xastir:gdal - Support for some further map formats media-radio/xastir:geotiff - Install geotiff support. Allows using USGS DRG topo maps or other types of geotiff mapes/images media-sound/arename:zsh-completion - enable zsh completion support media-sound/crip:normalize - Enable for being able to normalize ripped tracks media-sound/gnormalize:normalize - Enable the normalize front-end media-sound/om:dssi - Enables support for DSSI plugins media-sound/om:patch-loader - Installs a command line patch loading client media-sound/peapod:bittorrent - Enable support for the BitTorrent protocol media-sound/peapod:id3 - Support ID3 in the player media-sound/scala-bin:midi - MIDI support media-sound/songbird-bin:faac - Add faac support media-sound/songbird-bin:faad - Add faad support media-sound/songbird-bin:ugly - Add ugly support media-video/pgcedit:video - Add support for video preview media-video/qnapi:gnome - Enable GNOME menu integration. media-video/qnapi:kde - Enable KDE4 menu integration. media-video/qnapi:kde3 - Enable KDE3 Konqueror menu integration. media-video/ripwrap:mp2 - Add mp2 support media-video/ripwrap:mp4 - Add mp4 support media-video/ushare:dlna - Add DLNA (media-libs/libdlna) support net-dialup/iwar:iax2 - Enable iax2 protocol support net-dns/ldns-utils:sha2 - Enable SHA256 and SHA512 RRSIG support net-dns/nsd:bind8-stats - Enables BIND8 like NSTATS and XSTATS net-dns/nsd:dnssec - Enable DNSSEC support net-dns/nsd:largefile - Enable largefile support net-dns/nsd:nsec3 - Enable NSEC3 support net-dns/nsd:nsid - Enable NSID support net-dns/nsd:root-server - Configure NSD as a root server net-dns/nsd:runtime-checks - Enable runtime checks net-dns/nsd:tsig - Enable TSIG support net-dns/unbound:chroot - Enable chroot by default (recommended) net-dns/unbound:libevent - Enable support for libevent net-im/ekg2:extra - Enable following plugins: autoresponder, polchat, rivchat, rot13, xmsg. net-im/ekg2:gadu - Enable Gadu-Gadu protocol support (requires net-libs/libgadu). net-im/ekg2:gif - GIF token support for Gadu-Gadu protocol. net-im/ekg2:gnutls - Enable SSL/TLS support through GnuTLS (for jabber plugin). If 'ssl' is set too, GnuTLS will be used. net-im/ekg2:gpg - Enable jabber message encryption through app-crypt/gpgme. net-im/ekg2:inotify - Enable inotify-based filesystem moniotoring support for xmsg&mail plugins. net-im/ekg2:irc - Enable IRC protocol support. net-im/ekg2:jogger - Enable support for Jogger.pl jabber bot message parsing plugin. net-im/ekg2:jpeg - JPEG token support for Gadu-Gadu protocol. net-im/ekg2:mail - Enable mailbox/maildir monitoring plugin. net-im/ekg2:minimal - Don't build following plugins: ioctld, logs, rc. net-im/ekg2:oracle - Support logging messages into Oracle database. net-im/ekg2:pcap - Enable Gadu-Gadu protocol sniffer plugin (requires net-libs/libpcap). net-im/ekg2:remote - Enable remote UI plugin allowing to connect to running EKG2 using net-im/ekg2-remote. net-im/ekg2:sim - Enable 'sim' plugin which provides asymmetric encryption of messages used by few unofficial Gadu-Gadu clients (requires dev-libs/openssl). net-im/ekg2:sms - Enable SMS sending plugin. net-im/ekg2:sqlite - Support logging messages into SQLite2 database. If 'sqlite3' is set too, it will be used instead. net-im/ekg2:sqlite3 - Support logging messages into SQLite3 database. If 'sqlite' is set too, SQLite3 will be used. net-im/ekg2:srv - Use SRV-capable resolver through libresolv. net-im/ekg2:ssl - Enable SSL/TLS support through OpenSSL (for jabber plugin). If 'gnutls' is set too, it will be used instead. net-im/ekg2:static - Link statically with plugins instead of installing them as shared libraries (external libraries can still be linked dynamically). net-im/ekg2:web - Enable httprc_xajax WebUI plugin. net-im/ekg2-remote:gnutls - Enable SSL/TLS support through GnuTLS. If 'ssl' is set too, GnuTLS will be used. net-im/ekg2-remote:ssl - Enable SSL/TLS support through OpenSSL. If 'gnutls' is set too, it will be used instead. net-im/ekg2-remote:static - Link statically with plugins instead of installing them as shared libraries (external libraries can still be linked dynamically). net-libs/ldns:sha2 - Enable SHA256 and SHA512 RRSIG support net-libs/raknet:autopatcher - Enable RakNet autopatcher support net-libs/raknet:rakvoice - Enable RakNet RakVoice module net-mail/checkgmail:clickurl - Add support to click urls in the popup notification net-mail/checkgmail:savepwd - Add support for saving and encrypting GMail password net-misc/apt-cacher-ng:doc - Installs some documentation and config examples. net-misc/apt-cacher-ng:fuse - Build fuse httpfs named 'acngfs'. It's can be used to mount apt cache on server to client filesystem. net-misc/gvpe:cipher-aes-128 - Enables aes-128 cipher net-misc/gvpe:cipher-aes-192 - Enables aes-192 cipher net-misc/gvpe:cipher-aes-256 - Enables aes-256 cipher net-misc/gvpe:cipher-blowfish - Enables blowfish2 cipher net-misc/gvpe:compression - Enables LZO compression net-misc/gvpe:digset-md4-insecure - Enables digset md4 net-misc/gvpe:digset-md5 - Enables digset md5 net-misc/gvpe:digset-ripemd160 - Enables digset ripemd160 net-misc/gvpe:digset-sha1 - Enables digset sha1 net-misc/gvpe:digset-sha256 - Enables digset sha256 net-misc/gvpe:digset-sha512 - Enables digset sha512 net-misc/gvpe:dns - Enables DNS transport support net-misc/gvpe:http-proxy - Enables http-proxy transport support net-misc/gvpe:icmp - Enables icmp transport support net-misc/gvpe:tcp - Enables tcp transport support net-misc/netbrake:httpfs - Enable the HTTP filesystem support net-misc/openlldp:libpcap - Enable the use of PCAP/DNET instead of native handler net-zope/imagerepository:kupu - Pulls in kupu as a dependency sci-biology/tgi-tools:pvm - Use sys-cluster/pvm (Parallel Virtual Machine) and build the pvmsx utility sci-visualization/tulip:stats - Build with graph stats sci-visualization/tulip:tlprender - Build tlprender sys-auth/pam_sotp:urandom - Use /dev/urandom for password generations (faster but less secure) sys-cluster/globus:condor - Condor-G scheduler support sys-cluster/globus:gridftp - GridFTP sys-cluster/globus:gridway - GridWay DRMAA Library sys-cluster/globus:i18n - Internationalization libraries sys-cluster/globus:lsf - Platform LSF support sys-cluster/globus:pbs - Portable Batch System support sys-cluster/globus:prews - Pre-WS GRAM, MDS2, and GridFTP sys-cluster/globus:prews-test - Tests for pre-webservices components sys-cluster/globus:prewsgram - Pre-webservices GRAM sys-cluster/globus:rls - Replica Location Service sys-cluster/globus:wsc - C WS core sys-cluster/globus:wscas - Community Authorization Service sys-cluster/globus:wsctests - Tests for C webservices sys-cluster/globus:wsdel - Delegation Service sys-cluster/globus:wsgram - GRAM4 sys-cluster/globus:wsjava - Java WS Core sys-cluster/globus:wsmds - MDS4 sys-cluster/globus:wsrft - Reliable File Transfer service sys-cluster/globus:wstests - Tests for java webservices sys-fs/aufs:fuse - Enable FUSE workaround sys-fs/aufs:hinotify - Add support for aufs inotify sys-fs/aufs:ksize - Patch to support realloc of memory to make the aufs module run more efficiently sys-fs/aufs:nfs - Patch for lhash support sys-fs/aufs:nfsexport - Enable support for exporting aufs via nfs sys-fs/aufs:robr - Enable aufs readonly-branch sys-fs/aufs:sec_perm - Enable patch for kernel with CONFIG_SECURITY enabled sys-fs/pysize:psyco - Adds psyco support sys-power/acpi-support:hibernate-script - Use sys-power/hibernate-script for sleep and hibernate actions www-misc/monitorix:evms - Add support for (root) filesystems on sys-fs/evms volumes www-plugins/nexus_personal_SE-bin:epiphany - Enable support for www-client/epiphany x11-libs/pdcurses:latin1 - Add support for latin1 characters x11-libs/pdcurses:nextaw - Use neXtaw instead of Xaw x11-misc/bmpanel:libev - Use the libev event loop interface x11-misc/bmpanel:libevent - Use the libevent event loop interface x11-misc/xneur:aplay - Use aplay from media-sound/alsa-utils for playing sounds