import xml.sax from xml.sax import saxutils from xml.sax import make_parser # import time # from pprint import pprint class CommitParserHandler(saxutils.DefaultHandler): def __init__(self): self.inRevision = 0 self.inAuthor = 0 self.inLog = 0 self.inFile = 0 self.filelist = [] = "" self.revision = "" self.logmessage = "" def startElement(self, name, attrs): if name == "revision": self.buffer = "" self.inRevision = 1 if name == "author": self.buffer = "" self.inAuthor = 1 if name == "log": self.buffer = "" self.inLog = 1 if name == "file": self.buffer = "" self.inFile = 1 def characters(self, data): if self.inRevision == 1 or self.inAuthor == 1 or self.inLog == 1 or self.inFile == 1: self.buffer += data def endElement(self, name): if name == "revision": self.inRevision = 0 self.revision = self.buffer if name == "author": self.inAuthor = 0 = self.buffer if name == "log": self.inLog = 0 self.logmessage = self.buffer if name == "file": self.inFile = 0 self.filelist.append(self.buffer) class CommitParser: def __init__(self): self.filename = "" = "" self.revision = "" self.pathline = "" self.logmessage = "" self.filecount = 0 self.dircount = 0 self.filelist = [] self.path = "" def parse(self): parser = make_parser( ) handler = CommitParserHandler( ) parser.setContentHandler(handler) parser.parse(self.filename) # Let's find out what dirs were touched filelist = handler.filelist finished = 0 path = "" multidir = 0 while finished == 0: ok = 1 i = 0 subdirlinecount = 0 subdirslashpos = 0 maxi = len(filelist) if (i+1) == maxi: ok = 0 while i < maxi and ok == 1: search = filelist[i].find("/") if search == -1: #okay, we have a fil in the "top" dir let's stop it ok = 0 break if search > -1: # we have a subdir in here, so count ;) subdirlinecount += 1 i += 1 if ok == 1 and multidir == 0: if subdirlinecount == maxi: #okay all dirs still have a slash # everything in the same dir? subdirlinecount = 0 lastdir = "" # count dirs filelist.sort() for dir in filelist: if dir.find("/") > -1: if dir[:dir.find("/")+1] != lastdir: subdirlinecount += 1 lastdir = dir[:dir.find("/")+1] if subdirlinecount == 1: # okay, all lines have the same slashpos. # strip everything up to it i = 0 path += filelist[0][:search+1] while i < maxi: filelist[i] = filelist[i][search+1:] i += 1 filelist.sort() for line in filelist: if line == "": filelist.remove("") else: #no we seem to have the topdir now.. dircount = subdirlinecount multidir = 1 else: finished=1 filecount = 0 dircount = 0 lastdir = "" # count dirs filelist.sort() for dir in filelist: if dir.find("/") > -1: if dir[:dir.find("/")+1] != lastdir: dircount += 1 lastdir = dir[:dir.find("/")+1] filecount = maxi = self.revision = handler.revision self.logmessage = handler.logmessage self.dircount = dircount self.filecount = filecount self.filelist = filelist self.path = path def generate_pathline(self): self.pathline = "" if self.filecount == 1 and self.dircount == 0: self.pathline = self.path + filelist[0] if (self.filecount > 1 or self.filecount < 4) and self.dircount == 0: self.pathline = self.path + " (" for file in self.filelist: self.pathline += file + " " self.pathline = self.pathline[:-1] + ")" if self.filecount >= 1 and self.dircount >= 1 and self.filecount+self.dircount < 4: self.pathline = self.path + " (" for file in self.filelist: self.pathline += file + " " self.pathline = self.pathline[:-1] + ")" if self.filecount >= 1 and self.dircount >= 1 and self.filecount+self.dircount >= 4: self.pathline = self.path + " (" if self.filecount == 1: self.pathline += "1 file" if self.filecount > 1: self.pathline += "%i files" % self.filecount if self.dircount == 1: self.pathline += " in 2 dirs" if self.dircount > 1: self.pathline += " in %i dirs" % (self.dircount) self.pathline += ")" def doit(self): self.parse() self.generate_pathline()