# ChangeLog for sys-fs/aufs-utils # Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: $ 08 Dec 2007; Jakub Moc aufs-utils-0.1_pre20071203.ebuild: Use bash substitution instead of sed; fix cvs eclass usage 08 Dec 2007; Russell Harmon (eatnumber1) +aufs-utils-0.1_pre20071203.ebuild: Updated AUFS ebuild to 20071203. Changed ebuild to pull static date from AUFS CVS repository, since there is no publicly available tarballs. 19 Oct 2007; Markus Ullmann -aufs-utils-0.1_pre20070903.ebuild, -aufs-utils-0.1_pre20070910.ebuild: Drop old 19 Sep 2007; Russell Harmon (eatnumber1) +aufs-utils-0.1_pre20070910.ebuild, +aufs-utils-0.1_pre20070917.ebuild: Version bump 04 Sep 2007; Jakub Moc -aufs-utils-0.1_pre20070812.ebuild: Nuke old 04 Sep 2007; Russell Harmon (eatnumber1) +aufs-utils-0.1_pre20070903.ebuild: Update to the 2007-09-03 release 20 Aug 2007; Russell Harmon (eatnumber1) +metadata.xml, +aufs-utils-0.1_pre20070812.ebuild, +aufs-utils-9999.ebuild: New Ebuild for bug 189573