# ChangeLog for x11-misc/xneur # Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: $ 01 Jun 2009; Peter Volkov -xneur-0.9.3.ebuild, -files/xneur-0.9.3-CFLAGS.patch, -files/xneur-0.9.3-build-failure.patch, +xneur-0.9.4.ebuild: Version bump. Thank Jan Aniŝĉuk for the patch (bug #169494). 17 Apr 2009; Justin Lecher (jlec) xneur-0.9.3.ebuild: QA quotes around EAPI version 03 Apr 2009; Peter Volkov +xneur-0.9.3.ebuild, +files/xneur-0.9.3-CFLAGS.patch, +files/xneur-0.9.3-build-failure.patch, +metadata.xml: New Ebuild for bug 169494. Too many users want xneur but it still crashs and has known limitations. In Sunrise everybody can easy get it and have a chance to improve it.