diff options
authorMike Auty <>2006-05-06 12:35:44 +0000
committerMike Auty <>2006-05-06 12:35:44 +0000
commitcc558d05051861a4f0943963d7152489dcfc07f7 (patch)
treeac84808059e772018c76b184e8a9f5a308c8406b /app-emulation/vmware-server/vmware-server-
parentFix the manifest for the previous vmware-modules checkin. (diff)
BIG update for the vmware-* packages, including:
* New patch system * Cleaned up files directory * New vmware-modules build system * New vmware-pkg eclass (to be used for workstation/player/etc eventually) * Vmware-console now finally installed as vmware-server-console svn path=/trunk/; revision=33
Diffstat (limited to 'app-emulation/vmware-server/vmware-server-')
1 files changed, 269 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app-emulation/vmware-server/vmware-server- b/app-emulation/vmware-server/vmware-server-
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..755cd9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-emulation/vmware-server/vmware-server-
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+# Unlike many other binary packages the user doesn't need to agree to a licence
+# to download VMWare. The agreeing to a licence is part of the configure step
+# which the user must run manually.
+inherit vmware-pkg eutils versionator
+MY_PV="e.x.p-$(get_version_component_range 4)"
+DESCRIPTION="VMware Server for Linux"
+KEYWORDS="-* ~amd64 ~x86"
+ >=dev-lang/perl-5
+ sys-apps/pciutils
+ sys-apps/findutils
+ virtual/os-headers"
+# vmware-server should not use virtual/libc as this is a
+# precompiled binary package thats linked to glibc.
+ amd64? ( app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs
+ app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-gtklibs
+ )
+ !amd64 ( || ( ( x11-libs/libX11
+ x11-libs/libXtst
+ x11-libs/libXext
+ x11-libs/libXt
+ x11-libs/libICE
+ x11-libs/libSM
+ x11-libs/libXrender
+ )
+ ( virtual/x11
+ virtual/xft
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ >=dev-lang/perl-5
+ !app-emulation/vmware-player
+ !app-emulation/vmware-workstation
+ sys-apps/pciutils
+ sys-apps/xinetd
+ >=sys-apps/baselayout-1.11.14"
+pkg_setup() {
+ # This is due to both bugs #104480 and #106170
+ enewgroup "${VMWARE_GROUP}"
+ vmware_test_module_build
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd ${S}
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PV}
+ # patch the vmware /etc/pam.d file to ensure that only
+ # vmware group members can log in
+ cp ${FILESDIR}/vmware-authd ${S}/etc/pam.d/vmware-authd
+src_install() {
+ dodir ${dir}/bin
+ cp -pPR ${S}/bin/* ${Ddir}/bin
+ dodir ${dir}/sbin
+ cp -pPR ${S}/sbin/* ${Ddir}/sbin
+ dodir ${dir}/lib
+ cp -dr ${S}/lib/* ${Ddir}/lib
+ # Since with Gentoo we compile everthing it doesn't make sense to keep
+ # the precompiled modules arround. Saves about 4 megs of disk space too.
+ rm -rf ${Ddir}/lib/modules/binary
+ # We also don't need to keep the icons around
+ rm -rf ${Ddir}/lib/share/icons
+ # We set vmware-vmx and vmware-ping suid
+ chmod u+s ${Ddir}/bin/vmware-ping
+ # chmod u+s ${Ddir}/lib/bin/vmware-vmx
+ # chmod u+s ${Ddir}/sbin/vmware-authd
+ dodoc doc/* || die "dodoc"
+ # Fix for bug #91191
+ dodir ${dir}/doc
+ insinto ${dir}/doc
+ doins doc/EULA || die "copying EULA"
+ doman ${S}/man/man1/vmware.1.gz || die "doman"
+ # vmware service loader
+ newinitd ${FILESDIR}/vmware.rc vmware || die "newinitd"
+ # vmware enviroment
+ doenvd ${FILESDIR}/90vmware-server || die "doenvd"
+ # Fix the amd64 emulation pam stuff
+ use amd64 && dosed ":pam_:/emul/linux/x86/lib/security/pam_:" /etc/pam.d/vmware-authd
+ dodir /etc/vmware/
+ cp -pPR etc/* ${D}/etc/vmware/
+ echo "${VMWARE_GROUP}" > ${D}/etc/vmware/vmwaregroup
+ dodir /etc/vmware/init.d
+ dodir /etc/vmware/init.d/rc0.d
+ dodir /etc/vmware/init.d/rc1.d
+ dodir /etc/vmware/init.d/rc2.d
+ dodir /etc/vmware/init.d/rc3.d
+ dodir /etc/vmware/init.d/rc4.d
+ dodir /etc/vmware/init.d/rc5.d
+ dodir /etc/vmware/init.d/rc6.d
+ dosym /etc/init.d/xinetd /etc/vmware/init.d
+ cp -pPR installer/ ${D}/etc/vmware/init.d/vmware || die
+ # This is to fix a problem where if someone merges vmware and then
+ # before configuring vmware they upgrade or re-merge the vmware
+ # package which would rmdir the /etc/vmware/init.d/rc?.d directories.
+ keepdir /etc/vmware/init.d/rc{0,1,2,3,4,5,6}.d
+ #insinto ${dir}/lib/icon
+ #doins ${S}/lib/share/icons/48x48/apps/${PN}.png || die
+ #doicon ${S}/lib/share/icons/48x48/apps/${PN}.png || die
+ insinto /usr/share/mime/packages
+ doins ${FILESDIR}/vmware.xml
+ # make_desktop_entry vmware "VMWare Server" ${PN}.png
+ dodir /usr/bin
+ dosym ${dir}/bin/vmware /usr/bin/vmware
+ # this removes the user/group warnings
+ chown -R root:0 ${D} || die
+ dodir /etc/vmware
+ # this makes the vmware-vmx executable only executable by vmware group
+ fowners root:${VMWARE_GROUP} ${dir}/sbin/vmware-authd ${dir}/lib/bin{,-debug}/vmware-vmx /etc/vmware \
+ || die "Changing permissions"
+ fperms 4750 ${dir}/lib/bin{,-debug}/vmware-vmx ${dir}/sbin/vmware-authd || die
+ fperms 770 /etc/vmware || die
+ # this adds udev rules for vmmon*
+ dodir /etc/udev/rules.d
+ echo 'KERNEL=="vmmon*", GROUP="'${VMWARE_GROUP}'" MODE=660' > \
+ ${D}/etc/udev/rules.d/60-vmware.rules || die
+ # Questions:
+ einfo "Adding answers to /etc/vmware/locations"
+ locations="${D}/etc/vmware/locations"
+ echo "answer BINDIR ${dir}/bin" >> ${locations}
+ echo "answer SBINDIR ${dir}/sbin" >> ${locations}
+ echo "answer LIBDIR ${dir}/lib" >> ${locations}
+ echo "answer MANDIR ${dir}/man" >> ${locations}
+ echo "answer DOCDIR ${dir}/doc" >> ${locations}
+ echo "answer RUN_CONFIGURATOR no" >> ${locations}
+ echo "answer INITDIR /etc/vmware/init.d" >> ${locations}
+ echo "answer INITSCRIPTSDIR /etc/vmware/init.d" >> ${locations}
+pkg_preinst() {
+ # This must be done after the install to get the mtimes on each file
+ # right. This perl snippet gets the /etc/vmware/locations file code:
+ # perl -e "@a = stat('bin/vmware'); print \$a[9]"
+ # The above perl line and the find line below output the same thing.
+ # I would think the find line is faster to execute.
+ # find /opt/vmware/workstation/bin/vmware -printf %T@
+ #Note: it's a bit weird to use ${D} in a preinst script but it should work
+ #(drobbins, 1 Feb 2002)
+ einfo "Generating /etc/vmware/locations file."
+ d=`echo ${D} | wc -c`
+ for x in `find ${Ddir} ${D}/etc/vmware` ; do
+ x="`echo ${x} | cut -c ${d}-`"
+ if [ -d ${D}/${x} ] ; then
+ echo "directory ${x}" >> ${D}/etc/vmware/locations
+ else
+ echo -n "file ${x}" >> ${D}/etc/vmware/locations
+ if [ "${x}" == "/etc/vmware/locations" ] ; then
+ echo "" >> ${D}/etc/vmware/locations
+ elif [ "${x}" == "/etc/vmware/not_configured" ] ; then
+ echo "" >> ${D}/etc/vmware/locations
+ else
+ echo -n " " >> ${D}/etc/vmware/locations
+ #perl -e "@a = stat('${D}${x}'); print \$a[9]" >> ${D}/etc/vmware/locations
+ find ${D}${x} -printf %T@ >> ${D}/etc/vmware/locations
+ echo "" >> ${D}/etc/vmware/locations
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+pkg_config() {
+ einfo "Running ${ROOT}${dir}/bin/"
+ ${ROOT}${dir}/bin/
+pkg_postinst() {
+ update-mime-database ${ROOT}/usr/share/mime
+ [ -d ${ROOT}/etc/vmware ] && chown -R root:${VMWARE_GROUP} ${ROOT}/etc/vmware
+ # This is to fix the problem where the not_configured file doesn't get
+ # removed when the configuration is run. This doesn't remove the file
+ # It just tells the script it can delete it.
+ einfo "Updating /etc/vmware/locations"
+ for x in "${ROOT}/etc/vmware/._cfg????_locations" ; do
+ if [ -f $x ] ; then
+ cat $x >> "${ROOT}/etc/vmware/locations"
+ rm $x
+ fi
+ done
+ einfo
+ einfo "You need to run ${dir}/bin/ to complete the install."
+ einfo
+ einfo "For VMware Add-Ons just visit"
+ einfo ""
+ einfo
+ einfo "Remember by default xinetd only allows connections from localhost"
+ einfo "To allow external users access to vmware-server you must edit"
+ einfo " /etc/xinetd.d/vmware-authd"
+ einfo "and specify a new 'only_from' line"
+ einfo
+ einfo "Also note that when you reboot you should run:"
+ einfo " /etc/init.d/vmware start"
+ einfo "before trying to run vmware. Or you could just add"
+ einfo "it to the default run level:"
+ einfo "rc-update add vmware default"
+ echo
+ ewarn "Remember, in order to connect to vmware-server, you have to"
+ ewarn "be in the '${VMWARE_GROUP}' group."
+ echo
+ ewarn "VMWare allows for the potential of overwriting files as root. Only"
+ ewarn "give VMWare access to trusted individuals."
+ echo
+ ewarn "VMWare also has issues when running on a JFS filesystem. For more"
+ ewarn "information see"
+ #ewarn "For users of glibc-2.3.x, vmware-nat support is *still* broken on 2.6.x"
+pkg_postrm() {
+ einfo
+ einfo "To remove all traces of vmware you will need to remove the files"
+ einfo "in /etc/vmware/, /etc/init.d/vmware, /lib/modules/*/misc/vm*.{ko,o},"
+ einfo "and .vmware/ in each users home directory. Don't forget to rmmod the"
+ einfo "vm* modules, either."
+ einfo