# build-stages sample spec file # stage sub arch arch=amd64 # release type (arbitrary id string) type=vserver # release version version=20060317 # portage snapshot snapshot=${version} # should we sync the portage snapshots? sync_snapshots=0 # snapshots rsync source sync_source=trumpetti.atm.tut.fi::gentoo/snapshots # portage profile profile=default-linux/amd64/vserver # stages to build (0/1) stage1=1 stage2=1 stage3=1 # if you're building a stage1, give the seed stage here stage1_seed=stage3-${arch}-2006.0 # if you're not building stage1 give the subsource for stage2 here #stage2_subsource=${type}/stage1-${arch}-${version} # if you're not building stage2 give the subsource for stage3 here #stage3_subsource=${type}/stage2-${arch}-${version}