diff options
authorWilliam Hubbs <>2016-12-05 16:26:23 -0600
committerWilliam Hubbs <>2016-12-05 16:26:23 -0600
commita12d18f6ffb3ee8d83c2a8690281b9c7185709cc (patch)
tree74947ed844e264ddd770f97341c866a2f92545a5 /dev-lang
parentsys-apps/debianutils: mark 4.7 arm64/ia64/m68k/s390/sh/sparc stable #583944 (diff)
dev-lang/go: 1.7.4 version bump
Package-Manager: portage-2.3.0
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-lang')
2 files changed, 223 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-lang/go/Manifest b/dev-lang/go/Manifest
index 02e2e9a495bb..c96c68a223b2 100644
--- a/dev-lang/go/Manifest
+++ b/dev-lang/go/Manifest
@@ -12,3 +12,4 @@ DIST go-solaris-amd64-bootstrap.tbz 48367195 SHA256 92ebdbf001f243a78a6c2d8ee30e
DIST go1.6.3.src.tar.gz 12617426 SHA256 6326aeed5f86cf18f16d6dc831405614f855e2d416a91fd3fdc334f772345b00 SHA512 43e9b01220788112a185500bd53f091e7a0023a790092f428e2f40fc1a334dd148558b99d2a1c871b8cc79ad7d2d87a092b93eee7b5a27c2ee675c494de35306 WHIRLPOOL 0a22dc08b89ddfaccf1e871037e7ad6cdbf36f914de527011813d57a2d857478278202314b185e26aa905cb135d13cbea490d03337b42148c6fc2ef93a8cd9fe
DIST go1.7.1.src.tar.gz 14098889 SHA256 2b843f133b81b7995f26d0cb64bbdbb9d0704b90c44df45f844d28881ad442d3 SHA512 eab2b44f44d05c62645756e05078c2a8b7e3c4d2413617a20a6659df22e4612bb2059cf4906ab81134421eb371903034c1b197bb5595c9af9901819b2b3330a3 WHIRLPOOL 0733985cece30858431f600af12f60c3ff2894a78f09900a64aac7d493d790679a75a7c878b461fc6548663cc0cd34481c6e62051fd55ea68e8fa1d3b19fcdb0
DIST go1.7.3.src.tar.gz 14196345 SHA256 79430a0027a09b0b3ad57e214c4c1acfdd7af290961dd08d322818895af1ef44 SHA512 9289c7720a551725643be757df0b676b7ec3add73e5f01af5e3ac1d81e2b31a304aca6e86d395ddc06fc3982099814478b5ec693124a3327f79399db7bcd73eb WHIRLPOOL 17b4cb47bbec610516f6b5e4b9b0c504c4388deffeede7997072fff36ec8368882fe9615f11b408ffc4d5cee4fa5fb7f6fdd356d816c4c820f29a390e2cd7b74
+DIST go1.7.4.src.tar.gz 14198817 SHA256 4c189111e9ba651a2bb3ee868aa881fab36b2f2da3409e80885ca758a6b614cc SHA512 dc9950c3ea7100e536ad58fd93505d584276b7c50d4b8fe2ba7f20fd043dcf0d315b735c48945302055e91517594cc2b0061ccec9478a8ab48f1f2836c20afb3 WHIRLPOOL 054f496555dd30e0ba6a3c449b915ea048d5f85f1cf6d2ef6e8aa84939b6e9674b30cfccee99d050c5d75d028cf43d83bf0267703ffb02dfc5bc780fd0a1706f
diff --git a/dev-lang/go/go-1.7.4.ebuild b/dev-lang/go/go-1.7.4.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..58d44c510fa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/go/go-1.7.4.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+export CBUILD=${CBUILD:-${CHOST}}
+inherit toolchain-funcs
+SRC_URI="!gccgo? (
+kernel_Darwin? (
+ x64-macos? ( ${BOOTSTRAP_DIST}/go-darwin-amd64-bootstrap.tbz )
+kernel_FreeBSD? (
+amd64-fbsd? ( ${BOOTSTRAP_DIST}/go-freebsd-amd64-bootstrap.tbz )
+x86-fbsd? ( ${BOOTSTRAP_DIST}/go-freebsd-386-bootstrap-1.tbz )
+kernel_linux? (
+ amd64? ( ${BOOTSTRAP_DIST}/go-linux-amd64-bootstrap.tbz )
+ arm? ( ${BOOTSTRAP_DIST}/go-linux-arm-bootstrap.tbz )
+ arm64? ( ${BOOTSTRAP_DIST}/go-linux-arm64-bootstrap.tbz )
+ ppc64? (
+ ${BOOTSTRAP_DIST}/go-linux-ppc64-bootstrap.tbz
+ ${BOOTSTRAP_DIST}/go-linux-ppc64le-bootstrap.tbz
+ )
+ s390? ( ${BOOTSTRAP_DIST}/go-linux-s390x-bootstrap.tbz )
+ x86? ( ${BOOTSTRAP_DIST}/go-linux-386-bootstrap-1.tbz )
+kernel_SunOS? (
+ x64-solaris? ( ${BOOTSTRAP_DIST}/go-solaris-amd64-bootstrap.tbz )
+if [[ ${PV} = 9999 ]]; then
+ EGIT_REPO_URI="git://"
+ inherit git-r3
+ SRC_URI+="${MY_PV}.src.tar.gz"
+ case ${PV} in
+ *9999*|*_rc*) ;;
+ *)
+ KEYWORDS="-* ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~ppc64 ~x86 ~amd64-fbsd ~x86-fbsd ~x64-macos ~x64-solaris"
+ ;;
+ esac
+DESCRIPTION="A concurrent garbage collected and typesafe programming language"
+DEPEND="gccgo? ( >=sys-devel/gcc-5[go] )"
+# These test data objects have writable/executable stacks.
+# Do not complain about CFLAGS, etc, since Go doesn't use them.
+# The tools in /usr/lib/go should not cause the multilib-strict check to fail.
+# The go language uses *.a files which are _NOT_ libraries and should not be
+# stripped. The test data objects should also be left alone and unstripped.
+ /usr/lib/go/src/debug/elf/testdata/*
+ /usr/lib/go/src/debug/dwarf/testdata/*
+ /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/race/*.syso"
+if [[ ${PV} != 9999 ]]; then
+ S="${WORKDIR}"/go
+ # By chance most portage arch names match Go
+ local portage_arch=$(tc-arch $@)
+ case "${portage_arch}" in
+ x86) echo 386;;
+ x64-*) echo amd64;;
+ ppc64) [[ $(tc-endian $@) = big ]] && echo ppc64 || echo ppc64le ;;
+ s390) echo s390x ;;
+ *) echo "${portage_arch}";;
+ esac
+ case "${1:-${CHOST}}" in
+ armv5*) echo 5;;
+ armv6*) echo 6;;
+ armv7*) echo 7;;
+ *)
+ die "unknown GOARM for ${1:-${CHOST}}"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ case "${1:-${CHOST}}" in
+ *-linux*) echo linux;;
+ *-darwin*) echo darwin;;
+ *-freebsd*) echo freebsd;;
+ *-netbsd*) echo netbsd;;
+ *-openbsd*) echo openbsd;;
+ *-solaris*) echo solaris;;
+ *-cygwin*|*-interix*|*-winnt*)
+ echo windows
+ ;;
+ *)
+ die "unknown GOOS for ${1:-${CHOST}}"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ echo "$(go_os $@)_$(go_arch $@)"
+ [[ $(go_tuple ${CBUILD}) != $(go_tuple) ]]
+ # make.bash does not understand cross-compiling a cross-compiler
+ if [[ $(go_tuple) != $(go_tuple ${CTARGET}) ]]; then
+ die "CHOST CTARGET pair unsupported: CHOST=${CHOST} CTARGET=${CTARGET}"
+ fi
+ if [[ ${PV} = 9999 ]]; then
+ git-r3_src_unpack
+ fi
+ default
+ export GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP="${WORKDIR}"/go-$(go_os)-$(go_arch)-bootstrap
+ if use gccgo; then
+ mkdir -p "${GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP}/bin" || die
+ local go_binary=$(gcc-config --get-bin-path)/go-5
+ [[ -x ${go_binary} ]] || go_binary=$(
+ find "${EPREFIX}"/usr/${CHOST}/gcc-bin/*/go-5 | sort -V | tail -n1)
+ [[ -x ${go_binary} ]] || die "go-5: command not found"
+ ln -s "${go_binary}" "${GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP}/bin/go" || die
+ fi
+ export GOROOT_FINAL="${EPREFIX}"/usr/lib/go
+ export GOROOT="$(pwd)"
+ export GOBIN="${GOROOT}/bin"
+ # Go's build script does not use BUILD/HOST/TARGET consistently. :(
+ export GOHOSTARCH=$(go_arch ${CBUILD})
+ export GOHOSTOS=$(go_os ${CBUILD})
+ export CC=$(tc-getBUILD_CC)
+ export GOARCH=$(go_arch)
+ export GOOS=$(go_os)
+ export CC_FOR_TARGET=$(tc-getCC)
+ export CXX_FOR_TARGET=$(tc-getCXX)
+ if [[ ${ARCH} == arm ]]; then
+ export GOARM=$(go_arm)
+ fi
+ cd src
+ ./make.bash || die "build failed"
+ go_cross_compile && return 0
+ cd src
+ PATH="${GOBIN}:${PATH}" \
+ ./run.bash -no-rebuild || die "tests failed"
+ local bin_path f x
+ dodir /usr/lib/go
+ insinto /usr/lib/go
+ # There is a known issue which requires the source tree to be installed [1].
+ # Once this is fixed, we can consider using the doc use flag to control
+ # installing the doc and src directories.
+ # [1]
+ doins -r bin doc lib pkg src
+ fperms -R +x /usr/lib/go/bin /usr/lib/go/pkg/tool
+ cp -a misc "${D}"/usr/lib/go/misc
+ if go_cross_compile; then
+ bin_path="bin/$(go_tuple)"
+ else
+ bin_path=bin
+ fi
+ for x in ${bin_path}/*; do
+ f=${x##*/}
+ dosym ../lib/go/${bin_path}/${f} /usr/bin/${f}
+ done