diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app-leechcraft/lc-lmp/lc-lmp-0.6.70.ebuild')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/app-leechcraft/lc-lmp/lc-lmp-0.6.70.ebuild b/app-leechcraft/lc-lmp/lc-lmp-0.6.70.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 7215c9a6d3f8..000000000000
--- a/app-leechcraft/lc-lmp/lc-lmp-0.6.70.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-inherit leechcraft
-DESCRIPTION="LeechCraft Media Player, Phonon-based audio/video player"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
-IUSE="debug +fradj +graffiti +guess +mpris +mp3tunes potorchu"
-# depend on gstreamer:0.10 to match current Qt deps
- graffiti? ( media-libs/flac )
- guess? ( app-i18n/libguess )
- media-libs/gstreamer:0.10
- media-libs/taglib
- mpris? ( dev-qt/qtdbus:4 )
- potorchu? ( media-libs/libprojectm )
- dev-qt/qtdeclarative:4"
-src_configure() {
- local mycmakeargs="
- $(cmake-utils_use_enable fradj LMP_FRADJ)
- $(cmake-utils_use_enable graffiti LMP_GRAFFITI)
- $(cmake-utils_use_enable guess LMP_LIBGUESS)
- $(cmake-utils_use_enable mpris LMP_MPRIS)
- $(cmake-utils_use_enable mp3tunes LMP_MP3TUNES)
- $(cmake-utils_use_enable potorchu LMP_POTORCHU)"
- cmake-utils_src_configure