diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-java/bsh/bsh-2.0_beta4-r4.ebuild')
1 files changed, 68 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-java/bsh/bsh-2.0_beta4-r4.ebuild b/dev-java/bsh/bsh-2.0_beta4-r4.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..706b616c6e94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-java/bsh/bsh-2.0_beta4-r4.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+JAVA_PKG_IUSE="doc source"
+inherit java-pkg-2 eutils java-ant-2
+DESCRIPTION="BeanShell: A small embeddable Java source interpreter"
+SRC_URI="${MY_DIST} mirror://gentoo/beanshell-icon.png"
+KEYWORDS="amd64 ppc ppc64 x86 ~x86-fbsd ~x86-freebsd ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~x86-macos"
+IUSE="bsf readline"
+# some tests fail but ant doesn't fail
+ java-virtuals/servlet-api:3.0
+ readline? ( dev-java/libreadline-java:0 )"
+ bsf? ( dev-java/bsf:2.3 )"
+src_unpack() {
+ jar xf "${DISTDIR}"/${MY_DIST} || die "failed to unpack"
+java_prepare() {
+ find "${WORKDIR}" -name '*.jar' -delete || die
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/bsh${MY_PV}-build.patch"
+ use readline && epatch "${FILESDIR}/bsh2-readline.patch"
+ java-pkg_jar-from --into lib servlet-api-3.0
+ use readline && java-pkg_jar-from --into lib libreadline-java
+ use bsf && java-pkg_jar-from --into lib --build-only bsf-2.3
+src_compile() {
+ eant $(use bsf && echo -Dexclude-bsf=) jarall $(use_doc)
+src_test() {
+ eant test
+src_install() {
+ java-pkg_newjar dist/${P/_beta/b}.jar
+ java-pkg_dolauncher bsh-console --main bsh.Console
+ java-pkg_dolauncher bsh-interpreter --main bsh.Interpreter
+ use doc && java-pkg_dojavadoc javadoc
+ use source && java-pkg_dosrc src/bsh
+ newicon "${DISTDIR}"/beanshell-icon.png beanshell.png
+ make_desktop_entry bsh-console "BeanShell Prompt" beanshell