Daniel Pielmeier Brenden Matthews Upstream author conky brndnmtthws/conky Conky is a system monitor that sits in the corner of your desktop. It is a fork of Torsmo that is actually maintained. Enable support for sys-power/apcupsd Enable monitoring of music played by media-sound/audacious Enable monitoring of music played by media-sound/cmus Enable support for the eve-online skill monitor Enable support for events from iCalendar (RFC 5545) files using dev-libs/libical Enable support for per-task I/O statistics Enable support for displaying everything from an irc channel using net-libs/libircclient Enable if you want Lua scripting support Enable if you want Lua Cairo bindings Enable if you want Lua Imlib2 bindings Enable if you want Lua RSVG bindings Enable support for glibc's libm math library Enable monitoring of music played by media-sound/moc Enable monitoring of music controlled by media-sound/mpd Enable syntax highlighting for app-editors/nano Enable reading of nvidia card temperature sensors via media-video/nvidia-settings Enable support for tcp (ip4) port monitoring Enable support for IBM/Lenovo notebooks Enable support for metar weather service Enable support for metar and xoap weather service Enable support to act as a webserver serving conkys output using net-libs/libmicrohttpd Enable monitoring of music played by media-sound/xmms2