# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=6 EGIT_REPO_URI="https://github.com/mgorny/mirage2iso.git" inherit autotools git-r3 DESCRIPTION="CD/DVD image converter using libmirage" HOMEPAGE="https://github.com/mgorny/mirage2iso/" SRC_URI="" LICENSE="BSD" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="" IUSE="pinentry test" COMMON_DEPEND=">=dev-libs/libmirage-2.0.0:0= dev-libs/glib:2= pinentry? ( dev-libs/libassuan:0= )" DEPEND="${COMMON_DEPEND} dev-libs/libassuan virtual/pkgconfig test? ( app-arch/xz-utils )" RDEPEND="${COMMON_DEPEND} pinentry? ( app-crypt/pinentry )" RESTRICT="!test? ( test )" src_prepare() { default eautoreconf } src_configure() { local myconf=( $(use_with pinentry libassuan) ) econf "${myconf[@]}" }