(add-to-list 'load-path "@SITELISP@") (autoload 'template-single-comment "template" "Decorate the comment in the current line with dashes and alike." t) (autoload 'template-block-comment "template" "Decorate the current block of comment-only lines with dashes and alike." t) (autoload 'template-update-header "template" "Replace old file name in header with current file name." t) (autoload 'template-expand-template "template" "Expand template file TEMPLATE and insert result in current buffer." t) (autoload 'template-new-file "template" "Open a new file FILE by using a TEMPLATE." t) (autoload 'template-initialize "template" "Initialized package template. See variable `template-initialize'." t) (setq template-default-directories (list (if (and (not (file-directory-p "~/.templates/")) (file-directory-p "~/lib/templates")) (expand-file-name "~/lib/templates/") (expand-file-name "~/.templates/")) "@SITEETC@/templates"))