# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Id$ EAPI=5 inherit autotools eutils elisp-common DESCRIPTION="Tools and libraries to access human-editable, plain text databases" HOMEPAGE="https://www.gnu.org/software/recutils/" SRC_URI="mirror://gnu/${PN}/${P}.tar.gz" LICENSE="GPL-3" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86" IUSE="crypt curl emacs mdb nls static-libs +uuid" RDEPEND="sys-libs/readline crypt? ( dev-libs/libgcrypt:0= dev-libs/libgpg-error ) curl? ( net-misc/curl ) emacs? ( app-emacs/org-mode virtual/emacs ) mdb? ( app-office/mdbtools dev-libs/glib:2 ) nls? ( virtual/libintl ) uuid? ( sys-apps/util-linux )" DEPEND="${RDEPEND} virtual/pkgconfig nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )" SITEFILE="50${PN}-gentoo.el" src_prepare() { epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-automagic.patch # don't unconditionally install emacs files sed -i "/^dist_lisp_DATA/d" etc/Makefile.am || die eautoreconf } src_configure() { econf \ $(use_enable crypt encryption) \ $(use_enable curl) \ $(use_enable mdb) \ $(use_enable nls) \ $(use_enable uuid) \ $(use_enable static-libs static) } src_compile() { default if use emacs ; then elisp-compile etc/*.el || die fi } src_test() { # tests have parallel issues emake -j1 check } src_install() { default prune_libtool_files if use emacs ; then elisp-install ${PN} etc/*.{el,elc} || die elisp-site-file-install "${FILESDIR}"/${SITEFILE} || die fi } pkg_postinst() { use emacs && elisp-site-regen } pkg_postrm() { use emacs && elisp-site-regen }