Sergei Trofimovich diffoscope will try to get to the bottom of what makes files or directories different. It will recursively unpack archives of many kinds and transform various binary formats into more human readable form to compare them. It can compare two tarballs, ISO images, or PDF just as easily. Use sys-devel/binutils Use app-arch/cpio Use sys-apps/diffutils Use app-text/docx2txt Use sys-apps/dtc Use sys-fs/e2fsprogs Use sys-apps/file Use sys-apps/findutils Use sys-devel/gettext Use app-crypt/gnupg Use dev-lang/ghc Use sci-libs/hdf5 Use app-editors/vim-core Use virtual/cdrtools Use sys-devel/llvm Use app-text/odt2txt Use dev-lang/fpc Use dev-lang/R Use app-arch/rpm Use sys-fs/squashfs-tools Use net-misc/openssh Use app-arch/tar Use net-analyzer/tcpdump Use app-arch/xz-utils Use app-arch/unzip diffoscope