# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=7 inherit systemd DESCRIPTION="Proxy DNS server with permanent caching" HOMEPAGE="http://members.home.nl/p.a.rombouts/pdnsd/" SRC_URI="http://members.home.nl/p.a.rombouts/pdnsd/releases/${P}-par.tar.gz" LICENSE="GPL-3" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~ia64 ~ppc ~s390 ~sparc ~x86" IUSE="debug ipv6 isdn +urandom test" RDEPEND=" acct-group/pdnsd acct-user/pdnsd " DEPEND="test? ( net-dns/bind-tools )" src_configure() { local myeconfargs=( --sysconfdir="${EPREFIX}"/etc/pdnsd --with-cachedir="${EPREFIX}"/var/cache/pdnsd --with-default-id=pdnsd $(use_enable ipv6) $(use_enable ipv6 ipv6-startup) $(use_enable isdn) $(usex debug '--with-debug=3' '') $(usex urandom "--with-random-device=${EPREFIX}/dev/urandom" '') ) econf "${myeconfargs[@]}" } src_install() { local DOCS=( AUTHORS ChangeLog* NEWS README THANKS TODO README.par ) default docinto contrib dodoc contrib/{README,dhcp2pdnsd,pdnsd_dhcp.pl} docinto html dodoc doc/html/* docinto txt dodoc doc/txt/* newdoc doc/pdnsd.conf pdnsd.conf.sample newinitd "${FILESDIR}/pdnsd.rc8" pdnsd newconfd "${FILESDIR}/pdnsd.confd" pdnsd newinitd "${FILESDIR}/pdnsd.online.2" pdnsd-online newconfd "${FILESDIR}/pdnsd-online.confd" pdnsd-online systemd_newtmpfilesd "${FILESDIR}/pdnsd.tmpfiles" pdnsd.conf systemd_dounit "${FILESDIR}/pdnsd.service" } src_test() { fail_kill() { kill -9 $(<"${T}"/pid) die "$1" } mkdir "${T}/pdnsd" || die echo -n -e "pd12\0\0\0\0" > "${T}/pdnsd/pdnsd.cache" IPS="$(grep ^nameserver /etc/resolv.conf | sed -e 's/nameserver \(.*\)/\tip=\1;/g' | xargs)" sed -e "s/\tip=/${IPS}/" -e "s:cache_dir=:cache_dir=${T}/pdnsd:" "${FILESDIR}/pdnsd.conf.test" \ > "${T}/pdnsd.conf.test" src/pdnsd -c "${T}/pdnsd.conf.test" -g -s -d -p "${T}/pid" || die "couldn't start daemon" sleep 3 find "${T}" -ls [ -s "${T}/pid" ] || die "empty or no pid file created" [ -S "${T}/pdnsd/pdnsd.status" ] || fail_kill "no socket created" src/pdnsd-ctl/pdnsd-ctl -c "${T}/pdnsd" server all up || fail_kill "failed to start the daemon" src/pdnsd-ctl/pdnsd-ctl -c "${T}/pdnsd" status || fail_kill "failed to communicate with the daemon" sleep 3 dig @ -p 33455 localhost > "${T}"/dig.output 2>&1 cat "${T}"/dig.output || die fgrep -q "status: NOERROR" "${T}"/dig.output || fail_kill "www.gentoo.org lookup failed" kill $(<"${T}/pid") || fail_kill "failed to terminate daemon" } pkg_postinst() { elog elog "Add pdnsd to your default runlevel - rc-update add pdnsd default" elog "" elog "Add pdnsd-online to your online runlevel." elog "The online interface will be listed in /etc/conf.d/pdnsd-online" elog "" elog "Sample config file in /etc/pdnsd/pdnsd.conf.sample" # The tmpfiles.d configuration does not come into effect before the # next reboot so create the cachedir now. local cachedir="${EPREFIX}/var/cache/pdnsd" if [[ ! -d "${cachedir}" ]] ; then mkdir "${cachedir}" || eerror "Failed to create cache" fi chown pdnsd:pdnsd "${cachedir}" \ || eerror "Failed to set ownership for cachedir" chmod 0750 "${cachedir}" \ || eerror "Failed to set permissions for cachedir" }