# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=6 #PERL_EXPORT_PHASE_FUNCTIONS=no inherit perl-module toolchain-funcs DESCRIPTION="Port Scanning Attack Detection daemon" SRC_URI="https://www.cipherdyne.org/psad/download/${P}.tar.bz2" HOMEPAGE="https://www.cipherdyne.org/psad/" SLOT="0" LICENSE="GPL-2" KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~ppc ~sparc ~x86" DEPEND="virtual/perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker" RDEPEND=" dev-perl/Bit-Vector dev-perl/Date-Calc dev-perl/NetAddr-IP dev-perl/Unix-Syslog net-firewall/iptables net-misc/whois virtual/logger virtual/mailx virtual/perl-Storable " PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.2.4-var-run.patch ) src_prepare() { default sed -i \ -e 's|/usr/bin/gcc|$(CC)|g' \ -e 's|-O|$(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS)|g' \ Makefile || die # Fix up default paths sed -i \ -e "s:/usr/bin/whois_psad:/usr/bin/whois:g" \ psad.conf || die } src_configure() { default local deps_subdir for deps_subdir in IPTables-Parse IPTables-ChainMgr; do cd "${S}"/deps/${deps_subdir} || die SRC_PREP="no" perl-module_src_configure done } src_compile() { tc-export CC default local deps_subdir for deps_subdir in IPTables-Parse IPTables-ChainMgr; do cd "${S}"/deps/${deps_subdir} || die perl-module_src_compile done } src_install() { newbin misc/pscan psad-pscan insinto /usr dosbin kmsgsd psad psadwatchd newsbin fwcheck_psad.pl fwcheck_psad insinto /etc/psad doins \ *.conf auto_dl icmp{,6}_types ip_options psad_* pf.os posf \ protocols signatures newinitd init-scripts/psad-init.gentoo psad doman doc/*.8 dodoc doc/BENCHMARK CREDITS Change* doc/FW_EXAMPLE_RULES README \ doc/README.SYSLOG doc/SCAN_LOG insinto /etc/psad/snort_rules doins deps/snort_rules/* local deps_subdir for deps_subdir in IPTables-Parse IPTables-ChainMgr; do cd "${S}"/deps/${deps_subdir} || die perl-module_src_install done }