LoadFile /usr/lib/libxml2.so LoadModule proxy_html_module modules/mod_proxy_html.so # All knowledge of HTML links has been removed from the mod_proxy_html # code itself, and is instead read from httpd.conf (or included file) # at server startup. So you MUST declare it. This will normally be # at top level, but can also be used in a . # # Here's the declaration for W3C HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0 ProxyHTMLLinks a href ProxyHTMLLinks area href ProxyHTMLLinks link href ProxyHTMLLinks img src longdesc usemap ProxyHTMLLinks object classid codebase data usemap ProxyHTMLLinks q cite ProxyHTMLLinks blockquote cite ProxyHTMLLinks ins cite ProxyHTMLLinks del cite ProxyHTMLLinks form action ProxyHTMLLinks input src usemap ProxyHTMLLinks head profile ProxyHTMLLinks base href ProxyHTMLLinks script src for # To support scripting events (with ProxyHTMLExtended On), # you'll need to declare them too. ProxyHTMLEvents onclick ondblclick onmousedown onmouseup \ onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onkeypress \ onkeydown onkeyup onfocus onblur onload \ onunload onsubmit onreset onselect onchange # If you need to support legacy (pre-1998, aka "transitional") HTML or XHTML, # you'll need to uncomment the following deprecated link attributes. # # ProxyHTMLLinks frame src longdesc # ProxyHTMLLinks iframe src longdesc # ProxyHTMLLinks body background # ProxyHTMLLinks applet codebase # # If you're dealing with proprietary HTML variants, # declare your own URL attributes here as required. # # ProxyHTMLLinks myelement myattr otherattr # vim: ts=4 filetype=apache