Conrad Kostecki Proxy Maintainers Gentoo Webapps Install sys-power/apcupsd to display those stats. Install sys-fs/dmraid to display those stats. Install sys-libs/freeipmi to display those stats. Install app-admin/hddtemp to display those stats. Install sys-apps/ipmitool to display those stats. Install sys-apps/ipmiutil to display those stats. Install net-firewall/iptables to display those stats. Install sys-apps/lm_sensors to display those stats. Install sys-fs/mdadm to display those stats. Install sys-block/megactl to display those stats. Install sys-power/nut to display those stats. Install sys-fs/quota to display those stats. Install sys-apps/smartmontools to display those stats. Install net-analyzer/net-snmp to display those stats. Install app-misc/uptimed to display those stats. rk4an/phpsysinfo