diff options
authorUlrich Müller <>2015-02-21 13:00:16 +0100
committerUlrich Müller <>2015-02-21 13:00:16 +0100
commit02abf9634b75e3a761e519bc828aa60398f11808 (patch)
parentapp-emacs/emacs-common-gentoo: Fix owner for /var/games too. (diff)
app-emacs/emacs-common-gentoo: Sync from Portage tree. Remove old.
Package-Manager: portage-2.2.17
3 files changed, 17 insertions, 161 deletions
diff --git a/app-emacs/emacs-common-gentoo/ChangeLog b/app-emacs/emacs-common-gentoo/ChangeLog
index dd947e4..d5575fd 100644
--- a/app-emacs/emacs-common-gentoo/ChangeLog
+++ b/app-emacs/emacs-common-gentoo/ChangeLog
@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: $
+ 21 Feb 2015; Ulrich Müller <>
+ -emacs-common-gentoo-9999.ebuild, emacs-common-gentoo-9999-r1.ebuild:
+ Sync from Portage tree. Remove old.
19 Feb 2015; Ulrich Müller <>
Use "gamestat" group for shared score files, following QA tree policy.
diff --git a/app-emacs/emacs-common-gentoo/emacs-common-gentoo-9999-r1.ebuild b/app-emacs/emacs-common-gentoo/emacs-common-gentoo-9999-r1.ebuild
index a50412c..73cd753 100644
--- a/app-emacs/emacs-common-gentoo/emacs-common-gentoo-9999-r1.ebuild
+++ b/app-emacs/emacs-common-gentoo/emacs-common-gentoo-9999-r1.ebuild
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ src_install() {
if use games; then
keepdir /var/games/emacs
- fowners root:gamestat /var/games/emacs
+ fowners 0:gamestat /var/games/emacs
fperms g+w /var/games/emacs
@@ -44,17 +44,17 @@ src_install() {
local i
domenu emacs.desktop emacsclient.desktop || die
- pushd icons
- newicon sink.png emacs-sink.png || die
- newicon emacs_48.png emacs.png || die
- newicon emacs22_48.png emacs22.png || die
+ pushd icons || die
+ newicon sink.png emacs-sink.png
+ newicon emacs_48.png emacs.png
+ newicon emacs22_48.png emacs22.png
for i in 16 24 32 48 128; do
- insinto /usr/share/icons/hicolor/${i}x${i}/apps
- newins emacs_${i}.png emacs.png
- [[ ${i} -ne 128 ]] && newins emacs22_${i}.png emacs22.png
+ newicon -s ${i} emacs_${i}.png emacs.png
- insinto /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps
- doins emacs.svg
+ for i in 16 24 32 48; do
+ newicon -s ${i} emacs22_${i}.png emacs22.png
+ done
+ doicon -s scalable emacs.svg
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ pkg_preinst() {
cp "${EROOT}/var/lib${f#/var}" "${ED}${f}" || die
touch "${ED}${f}" || die
- chown root:gamestat "${ED}${f}" || die
+ chgrp gamestat "${ED}${f}" || die
chmod g+w "${ED}${f}" || die
@@ -131,9 +131,9 @@ pkg_preinst() {
pkg_postinst() {
if use games; then
# update permissions of shared score dir #537580
- chown root:root "${EROOT}"/var/games
+ chown 0:0 "${EROOT}"/var/games
chmod 755 "${EROOT}"/var/games
- chown root:gamestat "${EROOT}"/var/games/emacs
+ chown 0:gamestat "${EROOT}"/var/games/emacs
chmod 775 "${EROOT}"/var/games/emacs
diff --git a/app-emacs/emacs-common-gentoo/emacs-common-gentoo-9999.ebuild b/app-emacs/emacs-common-gentoo/emacs-common-gentoo-9999.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 820132b..0000000
--- a/app-emacs/emacs-common-gentoo/emacs-common-gentoo-9999.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit elisp-common eutils fdo-mime gnome2-utils readme.gentoo user git-r3
-DESCRIPTION="Common files needed by all GNU Emacs versions"
-IUSE="games X"
-pkg_setup() {
- if use games && [[ -z $(egetent passwd "${GAMES_USER_DED:-games}") ]]
- then
- enewgroup "${GAMES_GROUP:-games}" 35
- enewuser "${GAMES_USER_DED:-games}" 36 /bin/bash \
- "${GAMES_PREFIX:-/usr/games}" "${GAMES_GROUP:-games}"
- fi
-src_install() {
- insinto "${SITELISP}"
- doins subdirs.el
- newins site-gentoo.el{,.orig}
- keepdir /etc/emacs
- insinto /etc/emacs
- doins site-start.el
- if use games; then
- keepdir /var/games/emacs
- fowners "${GAMES_USER_DED:-games}" /var/games/emacs
- fi
- if use X; then
- local i
- domenu emacs.desktop emacsclient.desktop || die
- pushd icons
- newicon sink.png emacs-sink.png || die
- newicon emacs_48.png emacs.png || die
- newicon emacs22_48.png emacs22.png || die
- for i in 16 24 32 48 128; do
- insinto /usr/share/icons/hicolor/${i}x${i}/apps
- newins emacs_${i}.png emacs.png
- [[ ${i} -ne 128 ]] && newins emacs22_${i}.png emacs22.png
- done
- insinto /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps
- doins emacs.svg
- popd
- gnome2_icon_savelist
- fi
- DOC_CONTENTS="All site initialisation for Gentoo-installed packages is
- added to ${SITELISP}/site-gentoo.el. In order for this site
- initialisation to be loaded for all users automatically, a default
- site startup file /etc/emacs/site-start.el is installed. You are
- responsible for maintenance of this file.
- \n\nAlternatively, individual users can add the following command:
- \n\n(require 'site-gentoo)
- \n\nto their ~/.emacs initialisation files, or, for greater
- flexibility, users may load single package-specific initialisation
- files from the ${SITELISP}/site-gentoo.d/ directory."
- readme.gentoo_create_doc
-site-start-modified-p() {
- case $(cksum <"${EROOT}${SITELISP}/site-start.el") in
- # checksums of auto-generated site-start.el files
- "2098727038 349") return 1 ;; # elisp-common.eclass
- "3626264063 355") return 1 ;; # emacs-common-gentoo-1.0 (cvs rev 1.1)
- "3738455534 394") return 1 ;; # emacs-common-gentoo-1.0 (cvs rev 1.6)
- "4199862847 394") return 1 ;; # emacs-common-gentoo-1.1
- "2547348044 394") return 1 ;; # emacs-common-gentoo-1.2
- "2214952934 397") return 1 ;; # emacs-common-gentoo-1.2-r1
- "3917799317 397") return 1 ;; # emacs-common-gentoo-1.2-r2
- *) return 0 ;;
- esac
-pkg_preinst() {
- # make sure that site-gentoo.el exists since site-start.el requires it
- if [[ ! -d ${EROOT}${SITELISP} ]]; then
- mv "${ED}${SITELISP}"/site-gentoo.el{.orig,} || die
- else
- elisp-site-regen
- rm "${ED}${SITELISP}/site-gentoo.el.orig" || die
- cp "${EROOT}${SITELISP}/site-gentoo.el" "${ED}${SITELISP}/" || die
- fi
- if use games; then
- local f
- for f in /var/games/emacs/{snake,tetris}-scores; do
- if [[ -e ${EROOT}${f} ]]; then
- cp "${EROOT}${f}" "${ED}${f}" || die
- elif [[ -e ${EROOT}/var/lib${f#/var} ]]; then
- # backwards compatibility
- cp "${EROOT}/var/lib${f#/var}" "${ED}${f}" || die
- fi
- touch "${ED}${f}" || die
- chown "${GAMES_USER_DED:-games}" "${ED}${f}" || die
- done
- fi
- if [[ -e ${EROOT}${SITELISP}/site-start.el ]]; then
- ewarn "The location of the site startup file for Emacs has changed to"
- ewarn "/etc/emacs/site-start.el."
- if site-start-modified-p; then
- eerror "Locally modified ${SITELISP}/site-start.el file found."
- eerror "If this file contains your own customisation, you should"
- eerror "move it to /etc/emacs/. In any case, you must remove the"
- eerror "file from the old location."
- die "Cannot continue unless ${SITELISP}/site-start.el is removed."
- else
- ewarn "Removing the old ${SITELISP}/site-start.el file."
- rm -f "${EROOT}${SITELISP}/site-start.el"
- fi
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- if use X; then
- fdo-mime_desktop_database_update
- gnome2_icon_cache_update
- fi
- readme.gentoo_print_elog
-pkg_postrm() {
- if use X; then
- fdo-mime_desktop_database_update
- gnome2_icon_cache_update
- fi