diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app-admin/eselect-emacs/files/emacs-updater')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 122 deletions
diff --git a/app-admin/eselect-emacs/files/emacs-updater b/app-admin/eselect-emacs/files/emacs-updater
deleted file mode 100755
index 7f94d97..0000000
--- a/app-admin/eselect-emacs/files/emacs-updater
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2007-2008 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id: emacs-updater,v 1.3 2008/03/08 06:53:06 ulm Exp $
-# Authors:
-# Christian Faulhammer <>
-# Ulrich Mueller <>
-TMPFILE="$(mktemp /tmp/emacs-updater.XXXXXX)"
-cat <<-EOF
-Emacs updater version ${VERSION}
-Written by the Gentoo Emacs team
-Find packages that are installed in the wrong location
-usage() {
- sed -e 's/^X//' <<-EOF
- Usage: ${0##*/} [OPTION]...
- X -n, --nocolour disable colour in output
- X -p, --pretend don't actually emerge packages
- X -h, --help display this help and exit
- exit ${1}
-# Read in all command-line options and force English output
-OPTIONS=$(LC_ALL=C getopt -o hpn --long help,pretend,nocolour \
- -n 'emacs-updater' -- "$@")
-[ $? -eq 0 ] || usage 1
-eval set -- "${OPTIONS}"
-while true
- case "${1}" in
- -h|--help) usage 0 ;;
- -p|--pretend) PRETEND="true"; shift 1 ;;
- -n|--nocolour) NOCOLOUR="true"; shift 1 ;;
- --) shift; break ;;
- esac
-# Only set colours if output is not redirected or the --no-colour
-# option is not set
-if [ -t 1 ] && [ -z "${NOCOLOUR}" ] ; then
- RED=$(tput -S <<<$'setaf 1\nbold')
- GREEN=$(tput -S <<<$'setaf 2\nbold')
- YELLOW=$(tput -S <<<$'setaf 3\nbold')
- BLUE=$(tput -S <<<$'setaf 4\nbold')
- MAGENTA=$(tput -S <<<$'setaf 5\nbold')
- CYAN=$(tput -S <<<$'setaf 6\nbold')
- BOLD=$(tput bold)
- NORMAL=$(tput sgr0)
-message() {
- local OUTPUT=$@
-warning() {
- local OUTPUT=$@
-failure() {
- local OUTPUT=$@
- echo "${RED}*${NORMAL}${BOLD} ${OUTPUT}${NORMAL}"
-if ! [ -x /usr/bin/qfile ]; then
- echo
- failure "Please emerge app-portage/portage-utils to use this tool"
- exit 1
-for sf in "${ROOT}${SITELISP}"/[0-9][0-9]*-gentoo.el
- [ "${sf##*/}" = 00site-gentoo.el ] && continue
- message "Processing ${sf##*/} ..."
- qfile -qCR "${sf}" >> "${TMPFILE}"
-if [ ! -s "${TMPFILE}" ]; then
- warning "No packages to update, quitting."
- exit 2
-NO_OF_PACKAGES=$(sed -n '$=' "${TMPFILE}")
-[ ${NO_OF_PACKAGES} -eq 1 ] && s= || s=s
-message "${NO_OF_PACKAGES} package${s} with site files in the wrong location:"
-cat "${TMPFILE}"
-if [ "${PRETEND}" ]; then
- exit 3
-echo -n "${BOLD}Remerge packages?${NORMAL} [${GREEN}Yes${NORMAL}/${RED}No${NORMAL}] "
-read choice
-case "${choice}" in
- y*|Y*|"")
- ;;
- *)
- warning "Quitting."
- exit 10 ;;
-emerge --oneshot --ask --verbose $(cat "${TMPFILE}")
-warning "If a package is being rebuilt over and over again,"
-warning "please report it on"