# ChangeLog for app-editors/emacs-cvs # Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: $ 08 Nov 2008; Ulrich Mueller emacs-cvs-23.0.9999.ebuild: We need "as-is W3C RELAX-NG" in LICENSE, see etc/schema/README. 07 Nov 2008; Ulrich Mueller emacs-cvs-23.0.9999.ebuild: Sync from Portage. 05 Nov 2008; Ulrich Mueller emacs-cvs-23.0.9999.ebuild: Convert to EAPI 2. *emacs-cvs-23.0.9999 (29 Oct 2008) 29 Oct 2008; Ulrich Mueller +files/emacs-cvs-freebsd-sparc-1.patch, +emacs-cvs-23.0.9999.ebuild, metadata.xml: Copied from Portage tree.