# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ inherit elisp subversion ESVN_REPO_URI="svn://anonsvn.gentoo.org/emacs/${PN}" DESCRIPTION="Gentoo support for Emacs running as a server in the background" HOMEPAGE="http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/lisp/emacs/" SRC_URI="" LICENSE="GPL-2" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86" IUSE="" DEPEND=">=virtual/emacs-23" RDEPEND="${DEPEND} >=sys-apps/openrc-0.3.0-r1" SITEFILE="10${PN}-gentoo.el" pkg_setup() { local has_daemon=$(${EMACS} ${EMACSFLAGS} \ --eval "(princ (fboundp 'daemonp))") if [ "${has_daemon}" != t ]; then ewarn "Your current Emacs version does not support running as a daemon" ewarn "which is required for ${CATEGORY}/${PN}." ewarn "Use \"eselect emacs\" to select an Emacs version >= 23." fi } src_compile() { :; } src_install() { newinitd emacs.rc emacs || die newconfd emacs.conf emacs || die exeinto /usr/libexec/emacs doexe emacs-wrapper.sh || die elisp-site-file-install "${SITEFILE}" || die keepdir /var/run/emacs || die }