# ChangeLog for virtual/emacs # Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: $ 31 Jan 2011; Ulrich Mueller emacs-23-r1.ebuild: Fix dependencies. *emacs-23-r1 (16 Jan 2010) 16 Jan 2010; Ulrich Mueller -emacs-23.ebuild, +emacs-23-r1.ebuild: Remove emacs-cvs from RDEPEND. Revision bump, bug 301215. 20 Dec 2009; Ulrich Mueller emacs-23.ebuild: Add emacs-vcs to alternatives. 28 Sep 2009; Ulrich Mueller emacs-23.ebuild: Change to slot dependencies and EAPI 2. Remove emacs-cedet-branch from alternatives since it was merged to the trunk. *emacs-23 (09 Sep 2009) 09 Sep 2009; Ulrich Mueller +emacs-23.ebuild, +metadata.xml: Add emacs-cedet-branch and emacs-lexbind to RDEPEND.