diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app-shells/atuin/atuin-14.0.1.ebuild')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 348 deletions
diff --git a/app-shells/atuin/atuin-14.0.1.ebuild b/app-shells/atuin/atuin-14.0.1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index c90130dfd..000000000
--- a/app-shells/atuin/atuin-14.0.1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2023 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# Auto-Generated by cargo-ebuild 0.5.4
- ahash-0.7.6
- aho-corasick-0.7.19
- android_system_properties-0.1.5
- anyhow-1.0.64
- async-trait-0.1.58
- atoi-1.0.0
- atty-0.2.14
- autocfg-1.1.0
- axum-0.6.4
- axum-core-0.3.2
- base64-0.13.1
- base64-0.21.0
- beef-0.5.2
- bitflags-1.3.2
- block-buffer-0.10.3
- bumpalo-3.12.0
- byteorder-1.4.3
- bytes-1.2.1
- cassowary-0.3.0
- cc-1.0.73
- cfg-if-1.0.0
- chrono-0.4.22
- chronoutil-0.2.3
- clap-4.1.14
- clap_builder-4.1.14
- clap_complete-4.2.0
- clap_derive-4.1.14
- clap_lex-0.4.1
- colored-2.0.0
- config-0.13.2
- console-0.15.5
- core-foundation-0.9.3
- core-foundation-sys-0.8.3
- cpufeatures-0.2.5
- crc-3.0.0
- crc-catalog-2.1.0
- crossbeam-channel-0.5.8
- crossbeam-queue-0.3.6
- crossbeam-utils-0.8.11
- crossterm-0.26.1
- crossterm_winapi-0.9.0
- crypto-common-0.1.6
- digest-0.10.5
- directories-4.0.1
- dirs-4.0.0
- dirs-sys-0.3.7
- dotenvy-0.15.3
- ed25519-1.5.2
- either-1.8.0
- encode_unicode-0.3.6
- encoding_rs-0.8.31
- env_logger-0.10.0
- errno-0.3.1
- errno-dragonfly-0.1.2
- event-listener-2.5.3
- eyre-0.6.8
- filedescriptor-0.8.2
- flume-0.10.14
- fnv-1.0.7
- form_urlencoded-1.1.0
- fs-err-2.9.0
- futures-channel-0.3.24
- futures-core-0.3.24
- futures-executor-0.3.24
- futures-intrusive-0.4.0
- futures-macro-0.3.24
- futures-sink-0.3.24
- futures-task-0.3.24
- futures-util-0.3.24
- fuzzy-matcher-0.3.7
- generic-array-0.14.6
- getrandom-0.2.7
- h2-0.3.14
- hashbrown-0.12.3
- hashlink-0.8.0
- heck-0.4.0
- hermit-abi-0.1.19
- hermit-abi-0.3.1
- hex-0.4.3
- hkdf-0.12.3
- hmac-0.12.1
- http-0.2.8
- http-body-0.4.5
- http-range-header-0.3.0
- httparse-1.8.0
- httpdate-1.0.2
- humantime-2.1.0
- hyper-0.14.20
- hyper-rustls-0.23.0
- iana-time-zone-0.1.48
- idna-0.3.0
- indenter-0.3.3
- indexmap-1.9.1
- indicatif-0.17.3
- instant-0.1.12
- interim-0.1.0
- io-lifetimes-1.0.10
- ipnet-2.5.0
- is-terminal-0.4.7
- itertools-0.10.5
- itoa-1.0.3
- js-sys-0.3.60
- lazy_static-1.4.0
- libc-0.2.141
- libsodium-sys-0.2.7
- libsqlite3-sys-0.24.2
- linux-raw-sys-0.3.1
- lock_api-0.4.8
- log-0.4.17
- logos-0.12.1
- logos-derive-0.12.1
- matchers-0.1.0
- matchit-0.7.0
- md-5-0.10.4
- memchr-2.5.0
- mime-0.3.16
- minimal-lexical-0.2.1
- minspan-0.1.1
- mio-0.8.4
- nom-7.1.1
- nu-ansi-term-0.46.0
- num-0.2.1
- num-bigint-0.2.6
- num-complex-0.2.4
- num-integer-0.1.45
- num-iter-0.1.43
- num-rational-0.2.4
- num-traits-0.2.15
- num_cpus-1.13.1
- number_prefix-0.4.0
- once_cell-1.17.1
- openssl-probe-0.1.5
- overload-0.1.1
- parking_lot-0.11.2
- parking_lot-0.12.1
- parking_lot_core-0.8.5
- parking_lot_core-0.9.3
- parse_duration-2.1.1
- paste-1.0.9
- pathdiff-0.2.1
- pbkdf2-0.11.0
- percent-encoding-2.2.0
- pin-project-1.0.12
- pin-project-internal-1.0.12
- pin-project-lite-0.2.9
- pin-utils-0.1.0
- pkg-config-0.3.25
- portable-atomic-0.3.19
- ppv-lite86-0.2.16
- proc-macro2-1.0.56
- quote-1.0.26
- rand-0.8.5
- rand_chacha-0.3.1
- rand_core-0.6.3
- redox_syscall-0.2.16
- redox_users-0.4.3
- regex-1.7.2
- regex-automata-0.1.10
- regex-syntax-0.6.29
- reqwest-0.11.12
- ring-0.16.20
- rmp-0.8.11
- rmp-serde-1.1.1
- rpassword-7.2.0
- rtoolbox-0.0.1
- runtime-format-0.1.2
- rustc-hash-1.1.0
- rustix-0.37.11
- rustls-0.20.6
- rustls-native-certs-0.6.2
- rustls-pemfile-1.0.1
- rustversion-1.0.11
- ryu-1.0.11
- same-file-1.0.6
- schannel-0.1.20
- scopeguard-1.1.0
- sct-0.7.0
- security-framework-2.7.0
- security-framework-sys-2.6.1
- semver-1.0.14
- serde-1.0.145
- serde_derive-1.0.145
- serde_json-1.0.86
- serde_path_to_error-0.1.9
- serde_regex-1.1.0
- serde_urlencoded-0.7.1
- sha1-0.10.4
- sha2-0.10.6
- sharded-slab-0.1.4
- shellexpand-2.1.2
- signal-hook-0.3.15
- signal-hook-mio-0.2.3
- signal-hook-registry-1.4.0
- signature-1.6.1
- slab-0.4.7
- smallvec-1.9.0
- socket2-0.4.7
- sodiumoxide-0.2.7
- spin-0.5.2
- spin-0.9.8
- sql-builder-3.1.1
- sqlformat-0.2.0
- sqlx-0.6.2
- sqlx-core-0.6.2
- sqlx-macros-0.6.2
- sqlx-rt-0.6.2
- stringprep-0.1.2
- strsim-0.10.0
- subtle-2.4.1
- syn-1.0.99
- syn-2.0.14
- sync_wrapper-0.1.1
- termcolor-1.1.3
- thiserror-1.0.38
- thiserror-impl-1.0.38
- thread_local-1.1.7
- time-0.1.44
- tiny-bip39-1.0.0
- tinyvec-1.6.0
- tinyvec_macros-0.1.0
- tokio-1.25.0
- tokio-macros-1.8.0
- tokio-rustls-0.23.4
- tokio-stream-0.1.9
- tokio-util-0.7.4
- toml-0.5.9
- tower-0.4.13
- tower-http-0.3.4
- tower-layer-0.3.2
- tower-service-0.3.2
- tracing-0.1.37
- tracing-attributes-0.1.23
- tracing-core-0.1.30
- tracing-subscriber-0.3.16
- try-lock-0.2.3
- typenum-1.15.0
- unicode-bidi-0.3.8
- unicode-ident-1.0.3
- unicode-normalization-0.1.21
- unicode-segmentation-1.10.1
- unicode-width-0.1.10
- unicode_categories-0.1.1
- untrusted-0.7.1
- url-2.3.1
- urlencoding-2.1.2
- uuid-1.2.1
- vcpkg-0.2.15
- version_check-0.9.4
- walkdir-2.3.2
- want-0.3.0
- wasi-0.10.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1
- wasi-0.11.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1
- wasm-bindgen-0.2.83
- wasm-bindgen-backend-0.2.83
- wasm-bindgen-futures-0.4.33
- wasm-bindgen-macro-0.2.83
- wasm-bindgen-macro-support-0.2.83
- wasm-bindgen-shared-0.2.83
- web-sys-0.3.60
- webpki-0.22.0
- webpki-roots-0.22.4
- whoami-1.2.3
- winapi-0.3.9
- winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0
- winapi-util-0.1.5
- winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0
- windows-sys-0.36.1
- windows-sys-0.42.0
- windows-sys-0.48.0
- windows-targets-0.48.0
- windows_aarch64_gnullvm-0.42.0
- windows_aarch64_gnullvm-0.48.0
- windows_aarch64_msvc-0.36.1
- windows_aarch64_msvc-0.42.0
- windows_aarch64_msvc-0.48.0
- windows_i686_gnu-0.36.1
- windows_i686_gnu-0.42.0
- windows_i686_gnu-0.48.0
- windows_i686_msvc-0.36.1
- windows_i686_msvc-0.42.0
- windows_i686_msvc-0.48.0
- windows_x86_64_gnu-0.36.1
- windows_x86_64_gnu-0.42.0
- windows_x86_64_gnu-0.48.0
- windows_x86_64_gnullvm-0.42.0
- windows_x86_64_gnullvm-0.48.0
- windows_x86_64_msvc-0.36.1
- windows_x86_64_msvc-0.42.0
- windows_x86_64_msvc-0.48.0
- winreg-0.10.1
- zeroize-1.6.0
- zeroize_derive-1.4.2
-inherit cargo shell-completion
-DESCRIPTION="Magical shell history"
- https://github.com/ellie/${PN}/archive/refs/tags/v${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz
- $(cargo_crate_uris)
-# License set may be more restrictive as OR is not respected
-# use cargo-license for a more accurate license picture
-LICENSE="Apache-2.0 Apache-2.0-with-LLVM-exceptions BSD Boost-1.0 ISC MIT MPL-2.0 Unicode-DFS-2016 Unlicense ZLIB"
- docs/docs
-src_install() {
- cargo install --path "${PN}"
- exeinto "/usr/bin"
- doexe "target/$(usex debug debug release)/${PN}"
- use doc && dodoc -r "${DOCS[@]}"
- # Prepare shell completion generation
- mkdir completions || die
- for shell in 'bash' 'fish' 'zsh'; do
- "target/$(usex debug debug release)/${PN}" gen-completions -s "$shell" -o completions || die
- done
- newbashcomp "completions/${PN}.bash" "${PN}"
- dozshcomp "completions/_${PN}"
- dofishcomp "completions/${PN}.fish"