# In v1 configuration, type and id are @ prefix parameters. # @type and @id are recommended. type and id are still available for backward compatibility ## built-in TCP input ## $ echo | fluent-cat # # @type forward # @id forward_input # ## built-in UNIX socket input # # @type unix # # HTTP input # http://localhost:8888/?json= # # @type http # @id http_input # port 8888 # ## File input ## read apache logs with tag=apache.access # # @type tail # format apache # path /var/log/httpd-access.log # tag apache.access # ## Mutating event filter ## Add hostname and tag fields to apache.access tag events # # @type record_transformer # # hostname ${hostname} # tag ${tag} # # ## Selecting event filter ## Remove unnecessary events from apache prefixed tag events # # @type grep # include1 method GET # pass only GET in 'method' field # exclude1 message debug # remove debug event # # Listen HTTP for monitoring # http://localhost:24220/api/plugins # http://localhost:24220/api/plugins?type=TYPE # http://localhost:24220/api/plugins?tag=MYTAG # # @type monitor_agent # @id monitor_agent_input # port 24220 # # Listen DRb for debug # # @type debug_agent # @id debug_agent_input # bind # port 24230 # ## match tag=apache.access and write to file # # @type file # path /var/log/fluent/access # ## match tag=debug.** and dump to console @type stdout @id stdout_output # match tag=system.** and forward to another fluent server # # @type forward # @id forward_output # # host # # # # host # # # ## match tag=myapp.** and forward and write to file # # @type copy # # @type forward # buffer_type file # buffer_path /var/log/fluent/myapp-forward # retry_limit 50 # flush_interval 10s # # host # # # # @type file # path /var/log/fluent/myapp # # ## match fluent's internal events # # @type null # ## match not matched logs and write to file # # @type file # path /var/log/fluent/else # compress gz # ## Label: For handling complex event routing #