# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=6 EGO_PN="arduino.cc/arduino-builder/..." EGO_VENDOR=( "github.com/go-errors/errors a41850380601eeb43f4350f7d17c6bbd8944aaf8" "github.com/jstemmer/go-junit-report 833f8ea2b99d36d5f018698333834f3df200a0c2" "github.com/stretchr/testify 1661650f989674e3e5bcdcb805536e5d31481526" ) inherit golang-build golang-vcs-snapshot DESCRIPTION="A command line tool for compiling Arduino sketches" HOMEPAGE="https://github.com/arduino/arduino-builder" SRC_URI="https://github.com/arduino/${PN}/archive/${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz ${EGO_VENDOR_URI}" LICENSE="GPL-2" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 x86" RDEPEND="sys-devel/crossdev dev-embedded/avrdude dev-embedded/arduino-ctags" DEPEND=">=dev-lang/go-1.9.2" src_unpack() { golang-vcs-snapshot_src_unpack } src_prepare() { # As we know, golang packages have to be compiled from namespace-aware paths which is the whole # point of the EGO_PN dance. arduino-builder goes a step further by re-creating its own # namespace inside its source package, messing up with our build process which can't find # packages. Also, our source package contains multiple namespaces which further messes with # messes with our vendoring process (each namespace needs its own vendor directory). # We do the following to try to work around this mess. It looks like upstream reworked this # in its master branch so we should be able to remove this in the upcoming major release. local deeppath="${S}/src/${EGO_PN%/...}" for pkgname in builder properties timeutils; do ln -s "${deeppath}/src/arduino.cc/${pkgname}" "${S}/src/arduino.cc/${pkgname}" done ln -s "${deeppath}/vendor/github.com" "${S}/src/github.com" # path paths so that they point to system ctags and avrdude eapply "${FILESDIR}/arduino-builder-1.3.25-platform-paths.patch" eapply "${FILESDIR}/arduino-builder-1.3.25-skip-tests.patch" default } src_install() { # we unfortunately have to copy/paste the contents of golang-build_src_install() here because # we *don't* want to call golang_install_pkgs() which installs all static libraries we've # built. All we want is to install the final executable. set -- env GOPATH="${WORKDIR}/${P}:$(get_golibdir_gopath)" \ go install -v -work -x ${EGO_BUILD_FLAGS} "${EGO_PN}" echo "$@" "$@" || die # END OF COPY/PASTE dobin bin/arduino-builder # In addition to the binary, we also want to install these two files below. They are needed by # the dev-embedded/arduino which copies those files in its "hardware" folder. insinto "/usr/share/${PN}" cd "src/arduino.cc/builder/hardware" || die doins "platform.txt" doins "platform.keys.rewrite.txt" } pkg_postinst() { [ ! -x /usr/bin/avr-gcc ] && ewarn "Missing avr-gcc; you need to crossdev -s4 avr" }