Open DC Hub: Remote code execution Open DC Hub contains a buffer overflow that can be exploited to allow remote code execution. opendchub 2004-11-28 2006-05-22: 02 72371 remote 0.7.14-r2 0.7.14-r2

Open DC Hub is the hub software for the Direct Connect file sharing network.

Donato Ferrante discovered a buffer overflow vulnerability in the RedirectAll command of the Open DC Hub.

Upon exploitation, a remote user with administrative privileges can execute arbitrary code on the system running the Open DC Hub.

Only give administrative rights to trusted users.

All Open DC Hub users should upgrade to the latest version:

# emerge --sync # emerge --ask --oneshot --verbose ">=net-p2p/opendchub-0.7.14-r2"
Full-Disclosure Advisory CVE-2004-1127 lewk lewk