oftpd: Denial of Service An assertion in oftpd could lead to a denial of service vulnerability. oftpd 2007-01-15 2007-01-15: 01 159178 remote 0.3.7-r3 0.3.7-r3

oftpd is a small, anonymous only ftp daemon.

By specifying an unsupported address family in the arguments to a LPRT or LPASV command, an assertion in oftpd will cause the daemon to abort.

Remote, unauthenticated attackers may be able to terminate any oftpd process, denying service to legitimate users.

There is no known workaround at this time.

All oftpd users should upgrade to the latest version:

# emerge --sync # emerge --ask --oneshot --verbose ">=net-ftp/oftpd-0.3.7-r3"
CVE-2006-6767 taviso falco