#!/sbin/runscript MINISSDPD="/usr/sbin/minissdpd" PIDFILE="/var/run/minissdpd.pid" depend() { need net before miniupnpd } interfaceup() { # interface exists? if [ ! -f /sys/class/net/$1/flags ]; then return 1; fi let "IFUP = `cat /sys/class/net/$1/flags` & 1" # interface has UP flag? if [ $IFUP -eq 0 ]; then return 1; fi return 0 } # awk script: scans the /proc routing table for local subnets # 1. filter list for entries with a gateway (column 3) of (ie interface-local) # 2. read column 2 for network-order hex encoded subnet address # 3. match against a 10.x.x.x, 172.(16-31).x.x, or 192.168.x.x address # 4. print out any interface (column 1) that matches privateinterfaces() { awk -f - /proc/net/route <<'FindPrivateNetworks' function p(m,n) { return(and(IP,m) == n); } $3=="00000000" { IP=strtonum("0x"$2); if (p(0xff,0x0a) || p(0x1fff,0x10ac) || p(0xffff,0xa8c0)) print $1; } FindPrivateNetworks } start() { ebegin "Starting minissdpd" ARGS="" if [ "x$MINISSDPD_IFACE" = "x" ]; then ewarn "No interfaces provided, using interfaces on private networks" IFLIST=$(privateinterfaces) else IFLIST="$MINISSDPD_IFACE" fi eindent for IF in $IFLIST; do if interfaceup $IF; then einfo Adding interface $IF ARGS+="-i $IF " else ewarn "Interface $IF is not up" fi done eoutdent start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE --exec $MINISSDPD -- $ARGS eend $? } stop() { ebegin "Stopping minissdpd" start-stop-daemon --stop --pidfile "${PIDFILE}" eend $? }